
kiddos + parenting, emotions, lowtoxliving

Toolkit Options for Teens, Kids + Anxiety


The stress and anxiety kids are suffering with these days feels like an epidemic, doesn’t it? We are seeing it being talked about on just about every platform you can find; Teens and Anxiety - Stressed-out Kids. Here is the deal, I really don’t think this is anything new. If I were to guess, I imagine it has always been lurking around, buried deep in hiding, unable to be freely shared with confidence.

Anxiety is something I have struggled with for decades and for the majority of my life I thought I was alone in it. It just wasn’t something people would easily talk about up until a few years ago. I think there was a fear of being seen as messed up, or broken. I know I was afraid that if I talked about it I would be questioned on a core level. It was scary to think about making myself vulnerable like that.

I have to say I am impressed with the parents teaching their kids it is a-okay to talk about it. I think this is the first key to breaking it down. Just talking about it helps to release some of the pressure and the shame factor that comes with it.

Reminding your kids that a certain level of anxiety is actually normal can feel quite freeing to them. We were created to have a large range of emotions day to day, week to week, month to month. Life is not rosy all of the time, we don’t always get it right, sad things happen, pressure and demands build at times, and YES we experience JOY, PEACE + LAUGHTER in the mix of it as well. We are meant to feel it all, feeling it and recognizing it makes for a really strong, healthy mind.

The problem is when we become what I call BRAIN STUCK. We aren’t able to shift our thoughts out of gear into a better space. At that point we may need a little assistance. The great thing is with a few easy options your kiddos will be able to help themselves relax their minds and take a deep breath. And if they have more than one choice to select from it can increase their chances to overcome it, Choices give them a sense of control, freedom and most importantly HOPE. They identify their struggle, they choose what they think the best option is to work through it. If it doesn’t quite cut it, they pull out another option. BOOM. And the great news is, these options are safe, gentle, and good for their developing bodies.

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So, here are a few natural options for your child to use in their anxiety toolkit:

Tool #1

Breathe. It’s a technique paired with a respiratory blend of essential oils. Um, excuse me…. what?

Yes, trust me, deep breathing is a game changer, especially when you feel a sense of heaviness resting on your chest. Deep breathing can help get your body back to the “rest and digest” state where your breathing is normal, your muscles are relaxed, and your heart rate is normal. Breathe respiratory blend opens up your airways and allows more oxygen into your lungs + blood stream. By simply using a breathing technique and pairing it with essential oils your kids will experience a power-packed cleansing + calming effect. There are several options on how to use this respiratory blend depending upon the child and where they are located when it sets in. If at home you could have a diffuser on hand that fills the room with an ongoing refreshing scent. It will help shift the mood of everyone in the house.

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However, to create a personal travel toolkit I would suggest you start with an inhaler - you can pick them up on Amazon (click here) for around $10 a set, that way you can have a few different inhaler combos in the kit. (Other oils choices would be: Vetiver and Lavender. They are extremely calming oils as well and have a powerful impact on the brain and nervous system.)

These inhalers are easy-peasy, compact and fit in a little bag nicely. Just 3-4 drops of essential oils in some Himalayan Salt, or you can use the little foam insert they come with. Have your kiddo practice taking a nice LONG slow inhale through their nose with the tip of the inhaler (with vent holes) just a small space below and then practice a slow exhale out of their mouth. This is a simple and powerful way to relax the nerves.

The essential oils will not only open the airways, they will also begin to send the brain calming messages prior to even recognizing the scent. It’s a brilliant option. Hold on a sec… I gotta grab my inhaler and get a little energy flowing for what’s next.

Tool #2

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Roller bottles are an incredible little tool to have on hand. They not only make an impact through the scent with the limbic system but they also get to every cell within the body within 20 minutes. And, depending upon the oils you choose, they can help relieve tension in areas where you store stress.

Personally I use this technique all the time. It is probably my number one go to. I roll the bottle on the back of my neck, near where the spinal cord and brain stem are. Many oils are known to pass through the blood brain barrier, so you can imagine the possibilities here. After I swipe it 2-3 times on the back of my neck I rub it in with my hand, and then proceed to cup my hand over my nose and take in a BIG, slow breath. If I am holding tension in my upper shoulders and neck area I will roll on a little oil there too and gently massage it in.

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For the rollers I would have a couple combos on hand.

  • 5 drops serenity

  • 5 drops balance

  • 5 drops vetiver

  • top off roller bottle with fco

    (that stands for fractionated coconut oil)

Together those create a powerhouse blend that will support your mood balancers nicely.

The second roller bottle would be an uplifting mint + citrus blend. There are tons of options but my favorite combination would be:

  • 5 drops spearmint

  • 5 drops citrus bliss

  • 5 drops lime

  • top off roller bottle with fco

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Would be a mini dropper bottle filled with equal parts copaiba essential oil and fco.

Here is a little history: over the decades Copaiba has been used to promote the health of cardiovascular, immune, digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems. It is especially known for the calming, soothing, and supportive benefits it brings to the nervous system. A drop or two under the tongue and you have some terrific support for soothing anxious feelings. AND an added benefit is the calming effect it has on the tummy. As you know, anxious feeling often come with a stomach ache, this will help to settle those tummy troubles. Please remember that not every essential oil is equal. In fact, there are VERY few on the market that are proven to be 100% unadulterated and pure. It matters anytime you are using essential oils AND especially when you are taking them internally. Don’t skimp on your health, it isn’t worth the long term cost.


So hey - what do you think about this? Isn’t it great? I love that you can take a few gifts from nature, with a few simple learned techniques and find a little peace in the midst of the storm. And hear me out, I am not saying there isn’t a time to seek medical attention - but there might be a chance you can avoid it by learning some new coping skills before they snowball into something bigger. Parents, you got this.

And while we are at it, why not make it extra fun for your children. I suggest creating or purchasing cute containers and putting them into a handy little bag of your child’s choice. Something that makes them happy, or laugh, when they see it. That way you know they will be excited to pull it out and use it whenever they have the opportunity.

Guys, there is SO much more I want to say about this.. like beyond this health kit. The importance of sleep, and gut health… but I’ll save that for my next post on parenting.

If you have any questions, or need help selecting the best oils for your child’s needs, just give me a holler in the comment section, or shoot me an email at:

We have a TON of tips and tricks up our sleeves, we can help you find solutions.

Be Well-


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