
grief + mourning

5 Surprising Symptoms from Held Grief

Dealing with grief isn't just about “feeling” sad—it can also show up in surprising physical ways that you might not be aware of. Often in grief we are just trying to get by, pushing on and/or sometimes repressing. These common responses may work short-term but long term can create some additional setbacks for us. Here are five unexpected physical symptoms that can come from grief unexpressed (or unmoved):

  1. Aching All Over: Ever noticed your body feels achy or sore for no apparent reason? Grief can actually make your muscles tense up, causing back pain, headaches, or even joint stiffness.

  2. Tummy Troubles: When you're grieving, it's not uncommon to experience digestive issues like stomachaches, bloating, or changes in your bathroom routine. Stress really does a number on your gut!

  3. Catch Every Cold: Grief can weaken your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to catching every bug that goes around. So, if you find yourself constantly under the weather, it might be more than just bad luck.

  4. Heart Flutter: Have you ever felt your heart racing or fluttering unexpectedly? Emotional stress from grief can cause palpitations or irregular heartbeats that can feel pretty unsettling.

  5. Sleep Struggles: Whether it's trouble falling asleep or feeling exhausted all the time, grief can seriously mess with your sleep patterns. It's like your mind and body are working overtime, making it hard to get the rest you need.

Recognizing these physical signs of grief is important because it shows how much our emotions can impact our bodies. Taking care of yourself during tough times isn't just about talking it out—it's also about being kind to your body, getting support from friends and family, and maybe even seeking help from a professional if you need it. Remember, it's okay to feel all these things, and taking care of yourself is always the right move.

If you feel stuck or are looking to find new ways to process your grief, you can sign up for a 30 min. consult with me here.