
beauty + skincare, Cleaning, lowtoxliving

Is Your Baking Soda Natural or Chemically Treated?

Who here signed up to make an educated choice selecting baking soda created by a treatment using ammonia? Uck. Not me, that’s for sure.Until recently I didn’t even know this was a thing. The other day I read a post that stated that the common, do-it…

Who here signed up to make an educated choice selecting baking soda created by a treatment using ammonia? Uck. Not me, that’s for sure.

Until recently I didn’t even know this was a thing. The other day I read a post that stated that the common, do-it-all, orange boxed baking soda that we are all very familiar with should be used for cleaning while just a short list of brands ought to be chosen for baking. Um, what? And… why? First thing I wondered was if this was even fact.

Interestingly enough, it is true. After reviewing the history of baking soda, and finding the different methods used to create it, I found that one is formed naturally, while the other does indeed go through a chemical process.

The natural form is mined directly from the ground in their natural sodium bicarbonate state (also known as nahcolite).

The chemical process is where carbon dioxide and ammonia are passed into a concentrated solution of sodium chloride. Crude sodium bicarbonate precipitates out and is heated to form soda ash, which is then treated once again and refined to form sodium bicarbonate - this is the common baking soda you and I find filling our grocery store shelves. Actually, there are a couple methods used to create it but the Solvay method I just explained is most common practice here in the US.

So, what should you use for what and when? There are a few brands that I have seen listed as good choices for cooking / baking / skin care while the good ‘ole common brand is perfectly acceptable for cleaning. The two natural options mentioned most often are Bob’s Red Mill and Frontier. As can be expected the natural form will cost you a bit more than the bulk variety but hey, it’s worth it. Little changes made consistently lead to BIG transformations over time.

Tomorrow I am going to be posting my DETOX Bath Salt recipe which uses baking soda. Which type do you think I should choose for that one, does it matter? Let’s find out… check back tomorrow.

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Baking Soda comparison essentially loved.png