creative play

kiddos + parenting

Kid Kabobs - Snack on a Stick for toddlers


Raise your hands if you LOVE a good kabob? Why is that? I am guessing it is because they are typically appealing to the eye, fun, flavorful, they also offer a variety of textures, and have a certain ease to them. So it got me thinking, why not create a Kid Kabob for snack and learning time?

*Let’s just start off with a disclaimer… before the “Toddler Food Safety Police” begin hating on me… this snack MUST BE SUPERVISED at all times. It is fun, creative, helps the kids learn to problem solve a bit, and keeps them entertained a bit longer BUT as we know little ones will chomp their little grinders on things for quite some time, jab themselves, etc. SO…. please…. watch, pay attention, and remove that stick from their little grips before they chew their way towards splinters - or- poke their eyes out.

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Whew, with the ugly part over let’s talk about how fun this is. I was watching cute little Baby E awhile back while his Mama was at work, and the boy likes his food… A LOT. Okay, let’s just slide that right on over to the LOVE category. He LOVES his FOOD. I was wondering what we could do with our time together to satisfy his little tummy and mind. Hm. What could we build, or do. We had already made edible play dough the day before. I’ll post on that soon. He “liked” that okay but honestly it didn’t have nearly the appeal I imagined it would. I could do better… I just knew it. Shosh to the rescue… (that is his name for me)

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I landed on the idea of kids-kabobs. A healthy, nutritious snack that would keep his little brain thinking, his little fingers busy working and his tummy from a rumbling. This was so simple.

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You just need a few things:

  • a “loop” type cereal snack

  • blueberries

  • a wood coffee stir stick

That is to make the snack sticks up as pictured. Of course you can use a variety of ingredients: strawberry pieces, banana, pretty much anything your kiddo likes.

I would also suggest you try tossing on a couple new food options. This may be just the trick to introducing it in a fun way that keeps their mind open to enjoying it. I mean… after all that hard work, and the mind is eager to start on the next great thing!

One of my favorite things to do is to find new creative and fun ways to interrupt the regular, hum-drum routine pieces of life. We don’t always have the time for that, but when we do, why not? I know kiddos LOVE to be seen, thought of and have some special time with loved ones created. So cheers to a quick and easy recipe to accomplish a little more of that!

If you have some creative ideas for snack time, please share below! We are always looking for new ideas!

Be Well,
