beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, lowtoxliving, emotions, grief + mourning
In the Name of Fragrance... STOP! Natural Perfume Recipes That Won't Kill You
Okay, that title may be a little dramatic… but what if it’s not? I mean, have you checked out what your FRAGRANCES are filled with? Take a look. Now investigate what those redjsk;fwemlfadsjfk;dagna unpronounceable words are, what they were possibly created for in the first place, and IF you are BRAVE ENOUGH… see how they could potentially harm your health. (Check out ratings on EWG - environment working group) It’s crazy, and it should be illegal. But in the name of fragrance let’s stop once and for all. These chemicals are literally damaging our systems. Our chimneys (filters) are getting clogged and our cells are getting damaged. Enough is enough.
“But, it’s only a scent. It’s not like I am ingesting it.” Well, actually… breathing in toxic chemicals is very damaging and it does end up in your bloodstream. On top of that, you are applying it to your skin which also absorbs it into your bloodstream.
Now consider the other places that you have hidden “fragrances”: candles, sprays, plug-ins, cleaners, lotions, makeup, shampoo, and more. I wonder if you made an inventory list how long it would be? I know a few years ago my list would have been L-O-N-G. I still have a few but nothing like I used to. And absolutely no perfume whatsoever, outside of my yummy homemade, all-natural, DIY perfume made with fresh-smelling essential oils.
I know our team LOVES the benefits of these naturally delicious perfumes. They are so inexpensive to make and they help relieve feelings of tension, anxiousness + intensity. They start by encouraging BIG DEEP BREATHS. Next thing you know you feel more grounded and are thinking a bit more level-headed. Sometimes we just need to buy ourselves a little more time to reframe our thoughts.
I have been using Mel Robbins 5 second rule along with my little mini bottle of natural perfume I have stashed in my purse. So easy to grab it, breathe in, count backwards “5-4-3-2-1” and ask God to show me His truth over the matter at hand. This process is a thing of beauty and has TOTALLY tipped the cap off to release the pressure in the heat of the moment. Ahhhh.
Try it! Let me know how it works for you.
BTW: I highly recommend you check out Mel Robbins tips. She is a no-nonsense, straight shooter. She cuts right to it and gives really valuable resources for FREE! I have loved learning from her and applying it with the knowledge I have about detoxing other heavily loaded areas of my life. I have found she helps deal with a lot of core issues that contribute to the larger problem. So GOOD!
Be Well,