emotions, home + decor, mind, clean-living, lowtoxliving

21 day Reduce + Reuse Project : Plant Detox

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How many of you have thought much about the quantity of plants you have in your home?

If you paid attention in science class you probably remember that plants improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis. (Big sigh) Did you know they also increase humidity by transpiring water vapor through microscopic leaf pores? And.... they can passively absorb pollutants on the external surfaces of leaves and on the plant root-soil system.

NASA ran a study and suggests one plant for every 100 Sq. ft. Of living space in order to help remove harmful toxins from the air.

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So what could be hiding unseen in our homes (but sucked into our lungs) through our air?
Symptoms associated with short term exposure include excitement, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting followed by drowsiness and coma.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include irritation to nose, mouth and throat, and in severe cases, swelling of the larynx and lungs.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include irritation to eyes, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, increase in heart rate, headaches, confusion and in some cases can result in unconsciousness.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include irritation to mouth and throat, dizziness, headache, confusion, heart problems, liver and kidney damage and coma.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include eye irritation, coughing, sore throat. UM, no thank you!

(For more information on the study and these infographics go to: https://www.lovethegarden.com/uk-en/article/nasa-guide-air-filtering-houseplants )

Oh my word… does this make you wonder what is lingering in your air? May I suggest something? more plants + more diffusing. YES?

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Or maybe you happen to have some of these air purifying plants on the list? If so, would you mind sharing which ones, and how you keep them healthy?

I have two of them already (just by a fluke). However there is one I spotted on the list that I think needs to be added within the walls of my home. The “Kimberly Queen Fern”. Haha. I may be a bit biased seeing as how my name is Kimberly and my netflix favicon is “The Queen”. But for real, isn’t it charming?

So for those of us new to plants in the home, what are the best methods for keeping them alive? How do we keep them from shriveling up into a slow crispy brown death, Well, we need to begin by reading the instructions for placement, proper potting, and care. We can also give them a lil’ extra plant love. >>———>

Here is a recipe we have for you, MAGIC GROW. A natural plant boosting recipe. Mix the ingredients, spray the soil/roots once a month and voila… healthy growing and protected plants.

And as for the air, and increasing health benefits through the air within your home, we have included a terrific air purifying diffuser blend. It will immediately improve air quality and also deter any little plant dwelling pests.

  • Tea Tree oil is a fantastic insect repellent, it supports a healthy respiratory system, it is an excellent air purifier.

  • Clove oil is a natural bug deterrent, boosts the immune system, supports healthy circulation, and so much more!

  • Lemongrass oil boosts self-esteem, confidence, hope, mental strength, and uplifts spirits. It is also a wonderful deodorant. It is known for its detoxing properties, even when applied on the skin.

For those of you new to the idea of essential oils for natural options, I have put together a little PLANT CARE KIT that includes two ultra fine mist spray bottles and the three essential oils listed above. I will also post an AIR PURIFYING KIT for having what you need to detox the air in your home.

With these kits you will also receive a wholesale membership good for one year with it, saving 25% off anything you choose, at any time. AND best of all, our team is here to walk this oil life with you, and as if we aren’t enough you’ll also get full access to our members only education group, and (wait for it) as an added BONUS you’ll receive a beautiful customized welcome packet from our crew. Guys, you won’t look back, EVER. Go, now, run don’t walk.

Some of you may be wondering why you can’t just head to your nearest discount box store and get the same thing for cheaper. Trust me, you can’t. It’s that simple. I’ve seen it all and heard the feedback. This is one area you want to make sure you are getting what you pay for (and in most cases out there you aren’t…this is PROVEN over and over again!) … you want every little drop to be the most cost EFFECTIVE for you. You want this to actually work.

So here are two kits to choose from: (just click the name and it will link you)

If you are planning on snagging either one of these kits make sure to reach out to us to let us know. We want to tailor your welcome gift to your specific needs.

Can’t wait to share DAY TWO of the 21 day Reduce + Reuse Project with you tomorrow.

Be well,
