funding your value

encouragement, mind, faith

Knowing your worth in an ever-changing world.


I think we are all aware the world evolves. One look at history and it’s proven. Everything changes, some things recycle, some things just plain fade. But there is always a NEW IDEA about what is seen as BEAUTIFUL, what the world sees as ATTRACTIVE. What we should be STRIVING for. So, who is it deciding all of this. Do we know them? Are they absolutely for our best? Do they even KNOW US?

And yet, their opinions weigh so heavily on our minds, subconsciously much of the time. Nevertheless, the unrecognized voice is loud. We compare, we strive, we desire, we pine over, we seek, we buy, we try…

and most of the time we fall short of the goal.

Why is that?

Because most of the time, this is not what we were created for. We are rating ourselves and striving for something outside of what our matchless maker has designed for us. Our creator has SO MUCH to say about us, over us and into us. It’s unending, never stops. His love radiates onto us and fills us up.

His plan for us is SO GOOD! But we may be so busy head down to the grindstone or head up in the clouds, that we miss what he is speaking into us. Of friend, how many times has this been me? Too many to count. You too probably, or you wouldn’t have made it this far on the page. But here is the HOPE, it’s never too late. He ALWAYS has MORE for us. It may be different but it will never be less. He just doesn’t work that way.

So, how do we balance this out better? What keeps us grounded in WHO God says we are and believing it? Because once we do this everything that follows changes. I know you believe that. If we truly know and BELIEVE what He says about us we show up differently, we accomplish different things, we feel differently, we LOVE more + we worry less. The striving ceases and the longing for Him increases. And this all comes about by being in relationship with Jesus…daily. I mean, face to face, I love you + you love me, Jesus time.

So, if we must strive, let’s strive for this one thing: MORE JESUS.

The WORLD’s ideas of perfection will always fall short and feel flat. You were designed for so much more than that. I can’t wait to see what it is. Oh, and I will because when you start stepping towards it you are going to SHINE for all to see! That’s love on display, right there, and NOTHING is more BEAUTIFUL than that.