making memories

encouragement, kiddos + parenting

For all the weary, scattered Mama's out there: a journal + planner + scrapbook all in one.

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Is it just me? Or does it seem like the older the kids get the LESS time you actually have to do all-the-things you were going to do when they no longer needed you to, like: wipe their noses, change their diapers, fix their food, set up their play time, on and on ( you get it, right?)

Is it that our aging brains speed up time and spin us around?:

“right 'round, baby
Right 'round like a record, baby
Right 'round, 'round, 'round”

(and if you are singing this catchy tune from Dead or Alive all day… well, you’re welcome!)

I can’t tell if perhaps it is having more external things to see to.

Or could my grief brain be a bit gelatinous with to-do’s bouncing all over and getting barely anything done?

Maybe time is literally being sucked away from me (the older you get the faster it goes kinda thing?). No matter the reason, time feels shorter than ever and I want to slow it down, scoop it up and record it in my memory forever.

I used to be the crafty mom who had all the moments on well thought out, cleverly designed pages, all packed into one glorious album. I spent many a day layering, cutting, gluing and creating masterpieces for my children to someday snicker about because it is OH-SO-DATED now. But they still love to look at their childhood photos, and they know took the time to create it for them.

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Somehow between the “there” of littles and the “here and now” with adult kids + one teen, daily life has really changed for us. We still do all kinds of things but the at home stage of creating together has drastically slowed down. And maybe the digital age has something to do with it too?

I have created a few digital photo books, and videos, However, they lack the personal touch and the journaling piece of it. I find the expanse of time between the event and the creation of the memory piece leaves many details lost. (Thank you for that brain)

Recently life changed even more abruptly for us. With the loss of my husband we are reminded that every single minute counts, and I REALLY want to start recording them again. As I grabbed my son and headed to Hawaii for a two week break, I decided I WOULD get something created as a memory of it. AND how great would it be to process some of my grief, oh and plan my daily schedule so I could be more productive when I return, oh… and dream and plan for the future. And now, here I am with about 10 different journals, or notebooks, or something to try and juggle and organize ALL OF THIS. Welcome to my crazy process people.

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BUT - here is the thing. I actually had a new clever plan to organize all of this chaotic brilliance. A dear friend introduced me to the Travel Notebook. IT was EVERYTHING I didn’t know I needed. This system is so beyond perfect for my current life stage because you totally make it what you need. AND it TOTALLY takes the pressure off of getting it “just-so” . Every little booklet is a minimal investment, so if you mess up on a page, so what? Just keep going. I purchased a couple cute insert booklets on etsy, but they also have super cheap plain ones. They also have all kinds of embellishments you can use but I am going with a bit more of a minimalist approach for mine.

I had some gift certificates for Amazon left from my birthday and purchased an HP Sprocket to print sticky back photos and make a mini Hawaii trip memory scrapbook, I have my planner booklet, my God moments + teachings booklet and my random notes + to-do’s. This thing is GREAT! I cannot believe how much easier it is on my brain to have a place to jot something down in a relevant place where I can find it later. (anyone else relate to this?) And with my sprocket I can even screen shot different quotes or teachings and print them, peel and stick in the proper booklet. Guys, this travel notebook system is so worth investing in.

It is the perfect everyday and holiday, must-have, must-pack, must-carry-with-you-at-all-times treasure. It is bringing me back my sanity. no joke.

I haven’t tried to make it pretty yet - I am literally just doing the thing, filling it out, making notes. and I ADORE IT!

If you are looking for a fun gift for a creative friend or family member this is the ticket. If you are a frazzled mom who can’t seem to keep your brain focused, this is the ticket. If you are bored and looking for a creative outlet, this is the ticket. Keep it as simple or as decorated as you like. BUT for me it isn’t even so much about that as it is keeping my sanity and my memory in one place.

If you are already a travel notebook fan let me know some of your favorite products or resources. Oh, and for those who want a super cute zipper bag that fits the journal and printer in, my friend bought me this incredible black and white reversible bag from Kaulua’e. CANNOT say enough about their products, excellent workmanship.

Here is to staying sane!

Be Well,
