say thank you


Spreading Christmas Cheer to the Delivery Drivers

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This year we have really been making note of how tirelessly the delivery drivers work during this jam-packed online shopping season. In fact, just yesterday one of drivers asked to borrow the space in our carport to re-situate everything in his vehicle. Guys, this took him some time… and it was already dark out. AND he still obviously had a lot more to deliver.

I just kept thinking about how over the years I have heard my brother-in-law (delivery driver) talk about the jam-packed hours they have to work through the holidays. While they are busy delivering boxes and bags to those of us around the community eager for our packages to arrive, their families are at home eagerly waiting for them to arrive. Folks, they get home L-A-T-E and they work weekends. And so… we wanted to give them thanks, just a little something to brighten their day. We wanted to let them know that we understand they are sacrificing for us during this season that is meant for more meaningful family time. And… we wanted our gifts to them to be things that would really be appreciated in the bustle of the season.

So we collected some items we thought they would be able to put to good use without being bulky in their already overloaded day:

Delivery Driver Appreciation Basket Essentially loved.jpeg
  • beef jerky

  • pepperoni sticks

  • bang energy drinks

  • coffee drinks

  • nut mix

  • good quality chapsticks

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You know, things that are easy to munch, provide energy, or help to bring comfort to their overworked day.

We arranged them in a little tub that we already had on hand, lined it with one of our cute little fabric napkins from IKEA, and set it next to our door with a sign letting them know we would love for them to pick something.

It was a quick and super simple gesture and we are hoping it brightens their day just a wee bit. Honestly, it is fun giving opportunities like this that just give me a deeper sense of joy. Little things here and there that are unexpected and bring smiles to peoples faces.

I would love to hear ideas of what you would put in the basket, or other ideas of people you like to bless during this season.

Gratitude goes a LONG ways!