
grief, grief + mourning, mind, emotions

Recognizing Trauma Through Mind Scribble | Free Worksheet

Trauma, it isn’t what happened, it is what happens within us as a result of harsh life events that impacted us. When we can’t process properly in the moment of the event it stores itself up in our mind and bodies. And it wreaks havoc just sitting there. Ignoring it just isn’t good enough, it’s eating at us, whether we can identify the damage or not. So, what do we do? We begin with recognition. We start by not being afraid to tap into what hasn’t been dealt with yet. I’ve created (what I think) is a fun process to loosen up and let go a little.

It all started today when I was watching a REALLY good sermon on Trauma. You heard me right, a sermon on Trauma. Craig Groeschel at Life Church did an excellent job of unpacking what trauma is, how important it is for the healing process to recognize it, and how this leads to a place where you can eventually use your pain for a purpose by helping others. This info wasn’t new to me but an idea in response to it was.

As I was listening to the end of the sermon an image of a worksheet popped into my head. I quickly created this worksheet and decided to give it a try. I have to say, I loved the process of it. I snuggled up on my cozy couch, with a cozy blanket, rolled some breathe on my chest to open my airways and mind, got my pens ready, and relaxed my way into the process.

As I was began I went in with a black pen to write down past events that popped into my head. I didn’t allow myself time to sit and process each event, I just remembered, jotted it down, and moved on to the next one. Then I decided to go back and create a more artistic expression with it. I grabbed colored pens and quickly scanned my life once again (starting a little younger), writing down what came to mind in a few words. For some of my entries I used letters, initials, or code words.

Feel free to save and print out the image on the left to complete your own. It’s free. I am SO for you finding freedom from the bound pain. I’m over here right now praying for you and your process. I know God cares so deeply about all you have been through. and he wants to help you heal. He really does.

Once you have worked through this and sat with it a little make sure and check back here. I’ll be sharing new posts to help with some next steps once you get this completed.

BIG SIGH, say a prayer asking God to hold you tight through the process, and let’s get to work.

You got this!


grief + mourning, grief, encouragement

When grief tries to steal, don't believe it.



Hold them tight, cherish the moments, because you just never know.

This photo is missing a key player from it. The one that stood at the helm to navigate our course and he was the one who knew where to drop the anchor that steadied us in a safe harbor.

Honestly, he was my grounding person. I am the dreamer, the planner, the visionary, the creative force, the spontaneous let's go girl. And he was my, (what I often called), dream squasher. Haha. He brought all the practical into any situation that presented itself. "Okay Kim, so "HOW" are we going to do that?" At the time I didn't give the process the respect it deserved. I need that in my life to help me look at both sides of the same coin.

I miss that.

I miss him.

We all do.

There is SO MUCH that has changed + there is SO MUCH that we miss. There is SO MUCH that we have processed + SO MUCH MORE to work through. We have experienced quite the trauma during the process of fighting to lose, and in the defeat of cancer, we have been left with a thick residual of heavy grief.

BUT we have learned SO MUCH.

This is the gold in the story. This is where God redeems the broken. He doesn't rewrite stories, he adds on to them... bringing new strength, growth, or light in response to what happened. We can count on this. He never leaves us where we are at, He always has things to show us and places to take us. We just can't let ourselves lose sight of him in the process. EVEN IF it means just barely cracking one eye open-enough to squint in his direction. Or one cracky whisper of "You're here, right God? I'm not alone, even though every ounce of me feels like it."

"Yes baby girl, I'm right here. I haven't taken my eye off of you for one single second. I love you so much + I know how deeply you are hurting. Someday you'll be able to walk again... for now just find rest in the knowledge I am here + I am fighting for you."

That right there is what has carried me to this point. Knowing my God is here, and true to his word. He will never leave me and never forsake me... and I have just got to believe that because my, what I thought was “FOREVER LOVE” did leave me. Not by his own doing but never the less, he is gone. And that messes with a girl's mind + heart on all sorts of levels.

I have SO MUCH MORE to say on this. But for now I just wanted to stop on in with a quick update and encourage anyone who is suffering immense loss. YOU AREN'T ALONE... EVER. Not even in your darkest nights. YOU are being fought for and guess what... he already won! I pray you can find some peace and some rest in that.

YOU are loved,


encouragement, kiddos + parenting, grief, grief + mourning

Trauma Permanently Changes Us

Trauma. It wasn’t a word I would have thought I would be using with such a common type of death as cancer. However, when you sit with your person, and go through the treatments, and watch them suffer, and eventually die… well, it is indeed traumatic.

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As the days go by, and some of the memories choose to resurface, you know… the kind where you are back in that room again, with all the sights, sounds and smells. It is then that your heart begins to race, and your eyes leak at the gut punch of reality. Your brain wants to turn it off quickly while clinging to it at the same time. This is because for a brief moment your mind would almost choose to be there (even knowing the outcome) versus sitting in this empty void you have been left with. The uncomfortable space between yes, this is my new reality and no, I don’t want to do this. I am sitting here telling you no one wants to do this.

The gut punch ache never leaves, even though your brain is doing a pretty thorough job of trying to protect your shattered heart. But when the brain is triggered by God to let the walls drop a little… “It’s okay, she can handle that memory, drop that wall, let her remember.” And BAM it unexpectedly slaps you awake… it is right here in this space that you are beyond aware you, no doubt, have experienced trauma.

A lot of times I find myself wondering if I will ever be the same, and I have come to the conclusion that, no, no I won’t. Will I still have joy, yes. Will I continue to have moments where I laugh until I snort at the silliest of things? Yes. Will I be able to go a week without bawling? Maybe? Will life go on and will new life experiences be fulfilling. For sure. But still…

I found a lot of comfort in this article that I found by Catherine Woodiwiss: A New Normal: Ten Things I’ve Learned About Trauma. Here is an excerpt:

This is the big, scary truth about trauma:
there is no such thing as “getting over it.”
The five stages of grief model marks
universal stages in learning to accept loss,
but the reality is in fact much bigger:
a major life disruption leaves a new normal
in its wake. There is no “back to the old me.”
You are different now, full stop.

This is not a wholly negative thing.
Healing from trauma can also mean
finding new strength and joy.
The goal of healing is not a papering-over
of changes in an effort to preserve or
present things as normal. It is to acknowledge
and wear your new life — warts, wisdom and
all — with courage.

– Catherine Woodiwiss

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I am different now. If you have experienced trauma, you are different now. It is okay. Don’t try to hurry your way back to an old state of norm to please the people around you. It won’t happen. Give yourself the gift of grace and patience as you discover your new life, day by day.

Cheers my friend, here is to a new life with warts, wisdom and all.

Be Well-

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