essential oil recipes

emotions, grief, grief + mourning, mind

Unfelt Grief | How to Honor Your Sadness + Process Through It

Essentially Loved | Essential Oil and Grief | Sadness | Breathing techniques | Resources

Pain, it’s natural for us to want to avoid it, right? Our built in avoidance techniques shift into gear before we even recognize them. This leads us to a place of trapped emotions. These emotions can wreak havoc in our mind and bodies.

I don’t know what events lead you here. But for me the alarms signals began blaring after I lost my husband. I had been through a lot of loss + hardship prior to. Unfortunately, I thought I was handling the past events fine. As I have been learning new ways to process my sadness and recognize triggers old stuff has emerged as well. My body was keeping the score.

So in this post I want to WELCOME YOU to a simple practice of honoring your sadness. Helping you to see that you don’t need to be afraid of it or press it down. I want you to have freedom from the fear of sadness leaking out or erupting by practicing ways to welcome it. With the practice of holding sadness sessions, by allowing it and moving it through, it will help release a lot of the pressure of the unexpected outbursts. Oh, triggers will still bring some tears but they may not have the same energy behind them and you will know what helps you to move through it. This really helps, truly.

You want to start by creating a safe space and protected time. Someplace you feel comfortable and won’t be easily interrupted. You may want music playing, essential oils diffusing, a candle lit, a cozy blanket, or the fresh air with grass underneath you. Just find space somewhere that you feel safe enough.

The next thing I do is grab some scriptures and read them asking God for his clarity and truth to be present as I begin to feel and process. I invite Him into the space with me. This reminds me that I am NOT ALONE, He is leading.

Essentially Loved | Grief Work | Emotional Support | Essential Oils | Resources | Grief Coach

Then I grab an essential oil and put a drop in the palm of my hand and rub my palms together. While my brain is preparing to settle into the memories or situation I am doing my deep breathing. In through my nose for 5 seconds, exhale through my nose for 7-11 seconds. and repeat, and repeat, and repeat. Eventually I drop my hands, my eyes are closed and tears are streaming. (Keep the tissue close by and make sure the oils aren’t on your finger tips for the tear wipes.)

Often during this time Jesus arrives on the scene and shows me something new about it. Not always, but often. When that I like to journal down the notes.

This process seems simple enough, doesn’t it? Just wait until you make a commitment to start practicing this and you will see how powerful it is. God is a creative God and as you begin trying this He will show you new things to try and do in response.

The goal of this isn’t to circle and spin in one thought, it is to learn how to move through them. These hurts are stored in our memory banks but how we respond to them makes a big difference in how we show up in the world. If you feel stuck you may need professional help to learn some new techniques or skills. Don’t be afraid of that either. Seeking help is one of the bravest things you can do and it is such a terrific reminder that you are not in this alone. People care and want to help you!

I am also listing oils specifically helpful for processing sadness. These essential oils can do a multitude of things but today I am sharing a list of them for emotional support with sadness. Breathe is exceptionally good for this particular practice as it opens the airways and clears thinking.

Essentially loved grief essential oils sadness  unfelt grief resources
  • Hope essential oil blend

  • Rose essential oil

  • Console essential oil blend

  • Citrus Bliss essential oil blend

  • Ylang Ylang essential oil

  • Siberian fir essential oil

  • Peppermint essential oil

  • Eucalyptus essential oil

These are terrific natural options for helping your mind to relax, release, feel and move through.

I’m praying for you and your process. I know God is with you in this, and so am I.


grief, grief + mourning, lowtoxliving, mind, emotions

Grief Serum Recipe: a simple + kind nightly routine towards healing.

Grief is sneaky.

Grief is heavy.

Grief is exhausting.

Grief can deplete us to a place where we barely recognize ourselves.

And here is the thing…

Sometimes it wears us down to a level that not only impacts our state of mind but our bodies and potentially our belief systems as well. We may end up believing we don’t have anything in us to pull out of the pit we are currently in. That is a flat-out LIE though… even in the depths of grief, we can still continue to take steps towards healing.

That is what this post is all about. Having a super simple tool on hand that feels darn good, is relaxing, and helps you take steps towards healing.

I have found at the end of the day, during the time that pillow talk would typically happen, I needed a way to care for myself and remind myself I was going to be okay. Somehow, my evening process with this simple technique was not only caring for me but it also helped me to remember I was wanting to show up better and stronger for my future.

Note: You aren’t limited to using it at night, these tools and techniques can be used any time of day, whenever grief overwhelm strikes. Many of the oils do assist

Let me tell you a little bit about why I chose these specific essential oils included in my Grief Serum Recipe. Each one provides essential oils that help provide emotional stability, promote movement throughout the mind + body, and are especially good for the skin. I am telling you these are grief-busting oils. They target the areas that grief has tried to make me out, and I am guessing you as well.

Look, I am not saying this is a “do this and BAM, IT’S INSTANTLY BETTER.” But what I am saying is it truly is a soothing technique that does a lot more than just feel good. Whether you feel them or not your body and mind are responding, and with consistent use there will be substantial change. And yes, how it does work for me instantly is in the reminder that I care about myself, I care about my future, I care about how I process my grief and move forward.

I have a graphic posted with the recipe, the number on each essential oil bottle is how many drops to put in the 10ml roller bottle, and then top with baobab oil. You can use another low-comedogenic oil but this one is an absolute favorite of mine.

Make sure you check out the graphics I have posted here to see more on the oil-specific benefits. And feel free to do your own check on each one, you will be BLOWN AWAY. So good!

If you don’t have these specific oils I have a link to grab them here: GRIEF SKINCARE OILS

This investment towards natural health is completely worth it and trust me, there are SO many additional uses for these beauties. (If you decide to grab these make sure and send me a note so I can get you my additional uses booklet.)

Items you will need:

Frankincense, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy + Roman Chamomile

Baobab Oil Carrier Oil

10ml White / Gold Rollerbottles

Beginner’s Face Massage Book

There are a whole host of resources you can use to learn new techniques for self-administered face, foot, and body massage. The book I have listed above is really simple to follow along with and in the thick of heavy grief simple matters. I also have a lymphatic book that is spectacular: The Book of Lymph , if you want to get a little more specific in areas you are addressing. I use it for my sinus congestion. One more item I find really helpful is my Gua Sha stone, it is cool + smooth, I love the way it glides across my skin with the grief serum. These aren’t necessary, just for those who like to dive deep quickly. The essential oils + the baobab oil in a roller bottle, and your hands, are all you need to do the basic techniques in the beginner’s book.

I’d love to hear your feedback after trying this nightly for a few weeks. Let me know if you experience slightly deeper sleep, calmer nerves, or maybe a spark of nurture has lit for your weary soul.

Grief is hard work but it is SO worth it! I am praying this technique becomes a simple and effective tool for you to have in your grief toolbox.


beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, clean-living, grief + mourning, lowtoxliving

Balm of Gilead recipe: soothe your skin

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This balm is absolutely amazing. I was on a pursuit to find an all-around balm recipe that would support the body in its natural response to head tension, skin irritations, dry skin, and more. I was really intrigued by the Balm of Gilead spoken of in the Bible. As I looked into it a little more it seemed the absolute perfect fit for creating a one-for-all balm.

So, when Maddy and I went to whip a batch up we added some other nutrient rich oils that sink deep into the skin quickly.

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Just a few of the health benefits are listed in the above graphic. Each one of these oils could stand alone with the many benefits they provide, together this balm is dense with some skin-loving support. Ten years ago I would have never guessed a balm applied to the skin could soak in to fuel your body with the added love it needed for a mood shift or a tummy ache?

Toss the following into a double boiler to melt:

once melted remove from heat and add:

mix thoroughly + pour into a 4 oz. jar.

and voila! You have one incredible balm that could be used for so very many things.



in the kitchen

Cocktails + Mocktails with Essential Oils: Rosemary Grapefruit Moscow Mule + Grapfruit Lime Margarita

Here are two DELICIOUS cocktail recipes that include some of my very favorite ingredients. For my simple syrup I have been opting for low-carb, sugar-free. I either use SWOON or make my own with Swerve, because when you know better, you hopefully do better. Am I right? I also try to use as many fresh ingredients as I can, along with a drop of essential oil here and there.

Here is one of my absolute favorites, the Grapefruit Rosemary Moscow Mule w/ doTERRA Ginger & Rosemary essential oil. {Start with a toothpick tip of the rosemary and add as desired by taste.)

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Check out the original of this recipe over at Domesticate Me. She has an AMAZING blog

(The photo above is hers I just added my modifications)

Here is some info on the 3 essential oils in this drink.

Rosemary Oil: Rosemary has many health benefits. Rosemary supports healthy digestion and helps soothe sore muscles and joints. Long revered by healers, Rosemary was considered sacred by the ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Hebrew cultures. Rosemary’s herbaceous and energizing scent is frequently used in aromatherapy to combat nervous tension and fatigue.

Ginger Oil: Studies have been conducted on Ginger for its positive effect on joint health; however, Ginger is best known as an effective digestive aid and for helping to ease indigestion and nausea. As a powerful tonic for the entire digestive system, Ginger can lessen motion sickness, soothe an upset stomach, and help digest food after a large meal. Ginger essential oil can also be applied topically or inhaled to help with digestion issues.

Grapefruit Oil: Referred to as a “forbidden fruit” and one of the “Seven Wonders of Barbados,” Grapefruit was first documented in 1750 by Welshman Rev. Griffith Hughes. The name “grapefruit” is attributed to the fruits growing in clusters which resemble those of grapes. Known for its energizing and invigorating effect, Grapefruit helps reduce mental and physical fatigue. Grapefruit is also renowned for its cleansing and purifying benefits. It is beneficial for oily skin issues and helps to purify as it cleanses. Grapefruit is frequently used in skin care for its ability to promote clear, healthy skin and in weight loss products to support healthy metabolism.

How about a Watermelon Lime Margarita? Doesn’t it look beyond refreshing? Why, yes...yes it does!

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Lime Oil: Cold-pressed from the peel of fresh limes, dōTERRA Lime essential oil is refreshing and energizing in both aroma and taste. Limes are frequently used in entrées and beverages for their fresh, citrus flavor. In the 18th century, British sailors drank lime juice daily to prevent scurvy while at sea, thus giving British seamen the nickname “Limeys.” Lime essential oil contains powerful antioxidants that enhance immunity. Due to its high limonene content, Lime provides internal cleansing benefits and can be diffused to help purify the air. It’s also an effective and natural surface cleaner. Lime is known for its ability to uplift mood, and balance and energize the mind and body. Lime is frequently used in facial and body cleansers for its purifying properties and uplifting scent.

kimber ryan essentially loved

Don’t worry, this isn’t the end of our list. We have SO MANY yummy recipes to share with you. Stay tuned!

beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, lowtoxliving, clean-living

Emollient Rich Cuticle Recipe for dry, cracked + brittle nails.


Easy, peasy all natural cuticle cream recipe. PERFECT for gift-giving. This nail salve is so emollient dense your nails will be back to strong and healthy in no time.

Be Well,


and if that little fire video for the cuticle cream recipe is flashing too quickly before your eyes don’t fret… I am posting images below that you can revisit, or pin to pinterest for easy reference later.

Essentially Loved Emollient Rich Cuticle Cream Salve for cracking nails
essentially loved DIY cuticle cream recipe instructions for cracked nails

beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, lowtoxliving, emotions, grief + mourning

In the Name of Fragrance... STOP! Natural Perfume Recipes That Won't Kill You

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Okay, that title may be a little dramatic… but what if it’s not? I mean, have you checked out what your FRAGRANCES are filled with? Take a look. Now investigate what those redjsk;fwemlfadsjfk;dagna unpronounceable words are, what they were possibly created for in the first place, and IF you are BRAVE ENOUGH… see how they could potentially harm your health. (Check out ratings on EWG - environment working group) It’s crazy, and it should be illegal. But in the name of fragrance let’s stop once and for all. These chemicals are literally damaging our systems. Our chimneys (filters) are getting clogged and our cells are getting damaged. Enough is enough.

“But, it’s only a scent. It’s not like I am ingesting it.” Well, actually… breathing in toxic chemicals is very damaging and it does end up in your bloodstream. On top of that, you are applying it to your skin which also absorbs it into your bloodstream.

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Now consider the other places that you have hidden “fragrances”: candles, sprays, plug-ins, cleaners, lotions, makeup, shampoo, and more. I wonder if you made an inventory list how long it would be? I know a few years ago my list would have been L-O-N-G. I still have a few but nothing like I used to. And absolutely no perfume whatsoever, outside of my yummy homemade, all-natural, DIY perfume made with fresh-smelling essential oils.

I know our team LOVES the benefits of these naturally delicious perfumes. They are so inexpensive to make and they help relieve feelings of tension, anxiousness + intensity. They start by encouraging BIG DEEP BREATHS. Next thing you know you feel more grounded and are thinking a bit more level-headed. Sometimes we just need to buy ourselves a little more time to reframe our thoughts.

Sweet + Fresh all natural Perfume recipe essentially loved.png

I have been using Mel Robbins 5 second rule along with my little mini bottle of natural perfume I have stashed in my purse. So easy to grab it, breathe in, count backwards “5-4-3-2-1” and ask God to show me His truth over the matter at hand. This process is a thing of beauty and has TOTALLY tipped the cap off to release the pressure in the heat of the moment. Ahhhh.

Try it! Let me know how it works for you.

BTW: I highly recommend you check out Mel Robbins tips. She is a no-nonsense, straight shooter. She cuts right to it and gives really valuable resources for FREE! I have loved learning from her and applying it with the knowledge I have about detoxing other heavily loaded areas of my life. I have found she helps deal with a lot of core issues that contribute to the larger problem. So GOOD!

Be Well,


Cleaning, kiddos + parenting, beauty + skincare, clean-living, lowtoxliving

All Natural DIY Hand Sanitizing Spray Recipe


Uh-oh. Don’t worry, we have a recipe that will hold you over until the BEST of the BEST is re-stocked. And honestly, you may like making your own so much that you’ll just stick with it.

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If you haven’t heard of this amazing germ-busting spray then we will tell you a little about why you need this. So… in our all natural community we have a FAVE product that we ALWAYS have on hand. doTERRA’s sanitizing hand spray. It is a BEAST when it comes to killing germs - and here’s why:

“doTERRA On Guard Sanitizing Mist purifies hands by eliminating bacteria and other germs on the skin. The moisturizing formula effectively cleanses hands without drying the skin, while the doTERRA On Guard blend of CPTG® of essential oils provides an uplifting citrus spice aroma.”

This product has served our families SO WELL over the years helping us from avoiding many of those little extras that try to stick to our hands and impact our bodies. However, as some of you may know this product has flown off the shelves just like toilet paper has. So, what’s a girl to do but recreate the recipe best she can.

I don’t claim to have their exact formulation down but the ingredients are the same that are listed on their label. You may want to play with the ratios a bit to find your perfect hand sanitizing spray solution.

essentially loved sanitizing hand mist


I have gone ahead and linked the ingredients below for you for ease of purchase.

(this post contains affiliate links )

You can easily multiply this recipes and put it Into a larger misting bottle to use on larger surfaces as well. I am thinking tables, handles, highchair trays, strollers, shopping cart handles. Oh, it’s really endless, isn’t it?

We hope you LOVE this handy recipe as much as we do. Let us know when you have tried it!

Be Well,


kiddos + parenting, lowtoxliving

Teething, now what? easy natural recipe for relief.


Every mother's worst nightmare. Okay, that might be a little dramatic but teething is terrible. The drool, red cheeks and pain that causes a super grumpy babe… which then leads to a super grumpy mama. 

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Elliot is almost a year and a half and he has at least four molars coming in at once right now, so I figured it’s time to share my secret for all of you who might have a baby in your life or know someone who does. This protocol is what I used on Elliot from day one of teething, because it’s soothing and calming it has been a game changer! 

I apply this blend on his jaw line every three hours during the day and before bed. This also works great on babies but for 12 months and under you will want to use this recipe which is even more diluted for that sensitive baby skin. 


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0-12 months teething blend

  • 10 ml roller bottle 

  • 2 drops Roman Chamomile EO

  • 2 drops Lavender EO

  • 2 drops Frankincense EO

  • Fill the rest of the bottle with fractionated coconut oil 

12+ months teething blend

  • 10ml roller bottle 

  • 5 drops Roman Chamomile EO 

  • 5 drops Lavender EO

  • 5 drops Frankincense EO

  • Fill the rest of the bottle with fractionated coconut oil 

In addition to these oils I also had little frozen teethers, frozen berries and even just a frozen washcloth for him to chew on to ease the pain. 

I am pretty sure this isn’t our last round in the teething circuit, so if you have other tips or tricks I would love to hear them! Comment below.


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Reminder: Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CTPG) oils on your babies. Other essential oils could have harsh chemicals or fillers that are harmful to their sensitive skin.