
beauty + skincare, lowtoxliving, beauty+skincare, clean-living, grief + mourning

Strong follicle scalp serum : hair loss + thinning

Essential oil scalp serum recipe hair loss thinning essentially loved

Hair loss often occurs as a result of stress in the mind or body and sometimes all it needs is a little boost of love and nourishment with essential oils to boost those hair follicles back into high gear.

Natural ingredients are important, you certainly don’t want to stick toxic chemicals near your brain. However, it also matters which natural products you choose in order to receive maximum benefits.

essential oils are a no brained, by now we are pretty certain you know the difference between real, pure and potent essential oils and the brands off the grocery store shelves. If not, check out our page on the essentials.

but the carrier oils you use have different qualities as well. Like the comedogenic rating of each oil which tells you it’s absorption rate, basically. We have chosen some of our favorite noncomedogenic oils to use in this serum paired with really potent essential oils that each have specific reasons for being included in this serum.

The image in the photo above shows the real results of our friend who used the serum over a period of 2+ weeks and washed her hair every five days. Every scalp is different, there are a ton of factors that play into reasons behind hair loss. No matter what, this will help boost your hair follicles back toward better health. You will also receive a ton of other health benefits.

This serum is going to do wonders. Even if you don’t struggle with hair thinning or loss, this will boost the health and growth of your hair. We suggest using this once a week on a regular basis.

Hair serum natural recipe essentially loved essential oils thinning hair loss
Scalp serum hair loss thinning essential oils essentially loved

grief, grief + mourning, lowtoxliving, mind, emotions

Grief Serum Recipe: a simple + kind nightly routine towards healing.

Grief is sneaky.

Grief is heavy.

Grief is exhausting.

Grief can deplete us to a place where we barely recognize ourselves.

And here is the thing…

Sometimes it wears us down to a level that not only impacts our state of mind but our bodies and potentially our belief systems as well. We may end up believing we don’t have anything in us to pull out of the pit we are currently in. That is a flat-out LIE though… even in the depths of grief, we can still continue to take steps towards healing.

That is what this post is all about. Having a super simple tool on hand that feels darn good, is relaxing, and helps you take steps towards healing.

I have found at the end of the day, during the time that pillow talk would typically happen, I needed a way to care for myself and remind myself I was going to be okay. Somehow, my evening process with this simple technique was not only caring for me but it also helped me to remember I was wanting to show up better and stronger for my future.

Note: You aren’t limited to using it at night, these tools and techniques can be used any time of day, whenever grief overwhelm strikes. Many of the oils do assist

Let me tell you a little bit about why I chose these specific essential oils included in my Grief Serum Recipe. Each one provides essential oils that help provide emotional stability, promote movement throughout the mind + body, and are especially good for the skin. I am telling you these are grief-busting oils. They target the areas that grief has tried to make me out, and I am guessing you as well.

Look, I am not saying this is a “do this and BAM, IT’S INSTANTLY BETTER.” But what I am saying is it truly is a soothing technique that does a lot more than just feel good. Whether you feel them or not your body and mind are responding, and with consistent use there will be substantial change. And yes, how it does work for me instantly is in the reminder that I care about myself, I care about my future, I care about how I process my grief and move forward.

I have a graphic posted with the recipe, the number on each essential oil bottle is how many drops to put in the 10ml roller bottle, and then top with baobab oil. You can use another low-comedogenic oil but this one is an absolute favorite of mine.

Make sure you check out the graphics I have posted here to see more on the oil-specific benefits. And feel free to do your own check on each one, you will be BLOWN AWAY. So good!

If you don’t have these specific oils I have a link to grab them here: GRIEF SKINCARE OILS

This investment towards natural health is completely worth it and trust me, there are SO many additional uses for these beauties. (If you decide to grab these make sure and send me a note so I can get you my additional uses booklet.)

Items you will need:

Frankincense, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy + Roman Chamomile

Baobab Oil Carrier Oil

10ml White / Gold Rollerbottles

Beginner’s Face Massage Book

There are a whole host of resources you can use to learn new techniques for self-administered face, foot, and body massage. The book I have listed above is really simple to follow along with and in the thick of heavy grief simple matters. I also have a lymphatic book that is spectacular: The Book of Lymph , if you want to get a little more specific in areas you are addressing. I use it for my sinus congestion. One more item I find really helpful is my Gua Sha stone, it is cool + smooth, I love the way it glides across my skin with the grief serum. These aren’t necessary, just for those who like to dive deep quickly. The essential oils + the baobab oil in a roller bottle, and your hands, are all you need to do the basic techniques in the beginner’s book.

I’d love to hear your feedback after trying this nightly for a few weeks. Let me know if you experience slightly deeper sleep, calmer nerves, or maybe a spark of nurture has lit for your weary soul.

Grief is hard work but it is SO worth it! I am praying this technique becomes a simple and effective tool for you to have in your grief toolbox.


clean-living, beauty + skincare, emotions, lowtoxliving, mind

4 Ideas for Lymphatic Cleansing

The lymphatic system is like your body’s second circulatory system. It is responsible for the following:

  • Detoxification of waste products from the body

  • Immunity boosts to keep the body healthy

  • Transportation of nutrients throughout the body

It might help if you think of the lymphatic system as your body’s trash collector and disposal system. It pumps lymphatic fluids throughout the body in order to absorb toxins + waste so that it can eliminate them from the body. If your lymphatic system slows down it can quickly clog and cause major problems with major organs and systems within the body.

The lymphatic system plays another very important role by absorbing the fats + vitamins you take in and delivering them where they need to go. When we take all of that into consideration, and we recognize how our physical bodies impact the brain, mind + emotions… Well, you can see why it is vital to do your best to keep it working smoothly.

So, I put together four VERY simple and easy techniques that are gentle + kind to your system. For those of you in the thick of grief I know it is easy to get overstimulated and overwhelmed, so I wanted to keep it super simple.

These are all things I have been using over the last few years, I actually began them prior to Dave’s passing, during his illness. I am here to tell you, no matter what shape you are in, you will feel SO MUCH better implementing these.

Just pick one, after a few days try adding another if you feel up to it.

GUA SHA is a simple technique that you can easily do yourself. There are several youtube tutorials to follow. You will need the following items:

  • a GUA SHA stone

  • Essential Oil Face Serum w/ Frankincense, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum, Hawaiian Sandalwood, and Rose. (PLEASE, only use certified + pure, 3rd party tested eos, many are adulterated + filled with toxins in the name of “fragrance”)

Here is a Gua Sha Beginners video (click here)

HYDRATE more water, more water, more water. Increase your water to 50% of your weight. HNow does that work - claculate by taking your weight in pounds + drink half of that in ounces of water. Make SURE it is filtered. No plastic bottles. No carbonation. No juice. Just water counts for this one. You can have other drinks but they don’t contribute to your count. And caffeine can actually take away from it.

Drinking water with 1-2 drops of lemon or grapefruit essential oil in it is excellent for detox + your body while at the same time it will really uplift your mood.

  • Berkey Water Filters are some of the best around for removing bacteria, pesticides, minerals and metals .

  • Lemon essential oil, or grapefruit, are essential to add to your water for a gentle detox.

  • Hydro Flask makes my FAVORITE water bottle to use with essential oils. Using a water bottle helps keep the tracking easy. (You want to use metal or glass when using eos.)

DETOX BATH SOAK is oh-so relaxing + calming to the mind it is also an AMAZING way to pump up that lymphatic system.

Hot water will dilate blood vessels, the epsom salt and baking soda draw out the impurities. Essential oils boost your body’s natural ability to purge what it needs to + support your lymphatic system.

  • 2 cups Epsom Salt

  • 1 cup Baking Soda

  • Essential Oil Blend specifically designed to help boost your body’s detox system with Tangerine Peel, Rosemary Leaf, Geranium Flower/Leaf, Juniper Berry, Cilantro Herb essential oils.

    Directions: Fill the tub with hot water. Mix the salt, soda + 6 drops of the essential oil. Blend well. Add to bathwater just before soaking and stir in well. Soak for 30-45 minutes.

    Repeat weekly. Make sure and hydrate extra well after your soak, and the following day.

Now, let’s talk REBOUNDING.

This is SO incredibly good for all the cells in your body. It is gentle on the joints. It totally helps with mood, especially when you pump up some. music.

It stimulates the lymphatic system and moves those nasty toxins right out of your body. This is one of the fastest ways to jiggle + shake ALL those lymph nodes in your body at one time.

I have a jamming playlist I play on my earbuds as I get in the zone. I also pop a couple of peppermint beadlets in advance because there are studies done on the effects of this essential oil and increasde physical performance. PLUS it opens the airways and completely lifts my mood.

You don’t have to jump intensely, just hop on a bounce gently, pick it up a little and then back to gentle. Have fun with it.

I like the ones with handles, and some are foldable for easier storage, like this one that’s available on Amazon: Rebounder

Check out this diagram with all the lymph nodes in the body. Crazy right? I figured seeing them may help you want to do something to help them be tip-top.

Now, go jiggle + jump, hydrate + flush, soak + release, and massage those babies.

Make sure and let me know what you try and how it works. Let me know if you have any questions.

If you are really spurred on to do all you can and you really want to dive in, you can always go for a full-on detox kit. We have a great natural option that steps through the elimination pathways in the proper order so that you get maximum detox results without side effects. When you purchase the kit you will also receive an ebook + gift box from us. You have us to help walk you through it as well. This is something we highly suggest doing two times a year. You’ll be amazed at how clear your skin is, how your energy increases, and mental clarity. BOOM!

You can purchase your all-natural detox solution here: Detox Kit

clean-living, grief, grief + mourning, lowtoxliving, mind

Alcohol may calm your nerves + numb your pain? But it is also poison to your brain.


A little sip, turns into a glass or two. Relaxed, right? Seems like a good way to unwind, especially when the health industry has been saying it has quite a few benefits. 

But wait, does it? And if so do they outweigh the harm?

And what does this have to do with the grief process anyway? A lot.

I think many consider wine/alcohol as a natural sedative. After Dave died I must have been brought wine with nearly every meal delivered from friends. And to be fair, there has been a handful of times I have sipped on a glass, but it is far from a normal routine for me. And this isn’t because of the idea of brain damage, because I didn’t have this info from Doctor Daniel Amen and his extensive research yet, but it was more about wanting to feel + be in reality. I knew the depth of my grief would require a deep altering to not feel it, and I just wasn’t willing to take the risks that come with that.

Scans, along with several studies, is revealing the many ways that alcohol impacts the brain. Decreased blood flow to the brain, limited brain cell reproduction, increased risk of dementia, hippocampus atrophy, and more. Add on increased anxiety and brain fog.

So yes, it may calm your nerves for a brief spell but it sounds to me like a very temporary numbing with great potential to lead to much more unsettling conditions.

It just isn’t worth it when there are so many more options out there now. Like natural options that truly help with building overall strength, long term.

It is time to invest in finding your way through your grief , naturally. Know better + do better!


clean-living, emotions, lowtoxliving, mind

Great deal on Anxi-munity Bundle.


If you struggle with feelings of anxiousness or are looking for ways to strengthen your body, this set is FOR YOU! We have an INCREDIBLE limited time offer and the hours are counting down. Check it out below. Hurry while supplies last, this will sell out quickly.

Check out the amazing benefits of these oils. There will be even more with the mystery oils still being revealed. SIX!


clean-living, mind, grief + mourning, grief, lowtoxliving, kitchen

Banana Tea: A natural mood + sleep boosting recipe.

Do you struggle with sleep much? I know for me sleep is currently off + on. Throughout Dave’s cancer + following his death my sleep was non-existent. So, I am still working hard to recover from all of that deprivation. It’s so hard on the body. This Banana Tea though! Cheap, easy + about as natural as you can get.

You may have heard it said before that banana peel contains the most nutrient-dense part of the fruit. But, who really wants to eat a banana peel? I don’t know, maybe someone out there has a good recipe for ingesting it. If so, please share!

This tea, however, gets you the nutrients without having to chew your way through a peel. I think it is a SPECTACULAR option to be able to sip your way towards a sounder slumber + happier mood. Tea just sounds comforting but then add in the health benefits.

Why is it that bananas help? Potassium + magnesium baby, they are a HUGE help when it comes to equipping your body, and bananas are an amazing natural source for these minerals. The peels also contain tryptophan which naturally produces serotonin + melatonin in our bodies. What?!?

Yep. This may be the cheapest + most natural option for helping you catch some solid wink eye. Let’s not stop there, serotonin is the key hormone that stabilized our moods, it gives us feelings of well-being. Can even boost feelings of happiness! and who doesn’t need a little extra dose of that these days?

Here is the recipe:

  • 1 rinsed organic banana*

  • cut ends of banana off

  • boil 2-3 cups water

  • place banana in boiling water

  • simmer for 10 minutes

  • strain + serve

  • can add a sprinkle of cinnamon

  • I add a drop of vanilla

  • *note: for low glycemic just use peel and omit the fruit.

Tell me you don’t have a list of five people that immediately come to mind who could use this Hope tip.

Let me know if you try this + What you think. Cheers to a healthier you!


in the kitchen, lowtoxliving, inthekitchen, Keto

Mango + Avocado African Salad Recipe

african fruit salad essentially loved.png


If you can get your avocado 🥑 perfectly ripe to a creamy consistency this almost becomes a fruit pudding.

And… the added doTERRA eos + fresh lime juice not only adds awesome flavor but they help it keep from turning brown. (Example: This photo is from day two of creation.)

One more thing. Burlap + Barrel spices… get them! Their sourcing has the same heart + mind of doTERRA’s sourcing standard.

•straight to the source
•where it grows best
•changing lives

No, I am not affiliated with them, just LOVE everything I’ve gotten from them so far. Trust me, they don’t disappoint.

Let me know if you decide to whip a version of this up + let me know how it turns out. This isn’t a precise type of recipe - we’ll call it a creative blending of fruits.

be well kimber ryan  black.png

beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, clean-living, grief + mourning, lowtoxliving

Balm of Gilead recipe: soothe your skin

Essentially Loved Balm of Gilead africa.png

This balm is absolutely amazing. I was on a pursuit to find an all-around balm recipe that would support the body in its natural response to head tension, skin irritations, dry skin, and more. I was really intrigued by the Balm of Gilead spoken of in the Bible. As I looked into it a little more it seemed the absolute perfect fit for creating a one-for-all balm.

So, when Maddy and I went to whip a batch up we added some other nutrient rich oils that sink deep into the skin quickly.

essentially loved balm of gilead ingredients.png

Just a few of the health benefits are listed in the above graphic. Each one of these oils could stand alone with the many benefits they provide, together this balm is dense with some skin-loving support. Ten years ago I would have never guessed a balm applied to the skin could soak in to fuel your body with the added love it needed for a mood shift or a tummy ache?

Toss the following into a double boiler to melt:

once melted remove from heat and add:

mix thoroughly + pour into a 4 oz. jar.

and voila! You have one incredible balm that could be used for so very many things.



beauty + skincare, clean-living, beauty+skincare, lowtoxliving

Castor Oil Packs, what are they good for + why? Body Detox + SO Much More.

castor oil packs essentially loved kimber ryan

Five years ago I would have been, like… what? Excuse me? Slather myself in an old wives tale type oil with the expectation of internal relief?

YUP. (Start singing it now: “This is how we do it” by Montell Jordan)

Turns out our Grandmas knew what they were talking about. This oil is coming back on the radar with voracity. It has a HOST of benefits for many common issues + can really bring quite a bit of relief.

I am currently in the middle of a METAL DETOX (which if you don’t know metals are tough to get out and they put a TON of BIG ole roadblocks up in many of our systems, creating a multitude of issues.) Anytime you are doing a detox your body just may do a little squirming in the process of letting go. It’s to be expected. And Castor Oil packs were my best friend in those first few days of my detox.

But I haven’t left them behind. I am still currently using them for ongoing detox because they are GREAT for assisting the liver in releasing what can clog up that beauty of a filtering organ. Trust me, that organ needs to be as available as possible to do a good job or your body throws a whole out-of-control dance party of toxic overload + chaos. And the products we use, the food we eat, the contaminants in the air ALL going through our bodies one way or another.

Here are just a few of the possible health benefits of Castor Oil Packs:

  • detoxifies the body

  • reduces inflammation

  • boosts circulation

  • increases lymphatic drainage

  • strengthens immune system

  • reduces food sensitivities

  • relieves joint pain


They are so simple to use + really inexpensive.
All you need is:

The instructions are SO basic.

  1. Get a glass baking dish or storage container.

  2. Lay out a LONG sheet of plastic wrap centered over the pan. Make sure it is large enough to generously wrap around the area where you will be applying the castor oil pack plus an extra few inches for overlap.

  3. Place your flannel fabric down in the glass pan on top of the plastic.

  4. Make sure it is pressed down into the bottom of the pan so when you begin pouring the oil it doesn’t spill onto the countertop or floor.

  5. Slowly pour small amounts of the castor oil onto the flannel, allowing it to soak in. Keep slowly adding more until it feels spongey and is nicely saturated with enough that it will transfer to your skin.

  6. I often rub a little castor oil directly onto the area where I will be applying the pack as well.

  7. now gently pick up the saran wrap, apply to area and wrap the saran wrap around, attaching it to itself to hold the pack in place. Most often I wrap another 2-3 runs of the wrap around to hold it firmly and contain the heat.

  8. find a cozy spot and put a towel down in case your pack leaks, this oil can stain clothing and other fabrics.

  9. Heat your pad to the warmest setting you can comfortably sit with and leave it on for 2 hours.

  10. Remove heat after 2 hours. You can leave the pack on overnight but make sure you unplug that heating pad + remove it.

  11. Store your fabric castor oil pack in an airtight container for the next use. You may need to add a little more castor oil for each use.

  12. Replace pack every 2-3 months.

I’m so excited for you to try this. Every time I do it I feel like I am pampering my body, making internal change, and removing the unwanted. It’s good for me + in addition to what I know it is doing it is also creating many extra benefits I am completely unaware of. SO GOOD!

And hey, of course, I add my favorite essential oils to it, depending on my desired outcome for what I am using it for. I OFTEN grab a citrus + fir combo to help me feel encouraged, uplifted, grounded + to move through + forward. They help me to accept myself + to hold tight to HOPE for the future, while releasing all the head stuff I need to let go of!

Every single day I want to CHOOSE just one thing that helps create lasting change to a healthier tomorrow! This is one easy thing I can do to feel successful in that journey. How about you? What have you tried lately?

castor oil packs benefits body detox essentially loved

in the kitchen, Keto, lowtoxliving

Best Spices in the WORLD, literally. Kick up your KETO meals.

This blog is a whole lot of things we ESSENTIALLY LOVE. And these spices sourced from around the WORLD are our latest addiction.

essentially loved best spice in the world burlap and barrel

We have found the yummiest, freshest, and equitably sourced spices. Just like our favorite essential oils brand, this spice company searches the globe to find the BEST in the region, where they grow naturally + they support the local farmers first-hand. They serve those producing the herbs + spices, and they serve you by providing the best spices we have found out there yet.

Burlap + Barrel, WE absolutely LOVE YOU!

Here is a BIG reason why:

As they say on their website: “Most spice supply chains are completely opaque; where the spices came from, who grew them, and how they were grown is usually a mystery. That’s not by accident - the systems we live with today are legacies of the colonial spice trade, which was designed to disenfranchise farmers and shortchange consumers.

We're replacing those broken systems with equitable sourcing, direct supply chains, and mutually-supportive relationships with our partner farmers. It's not only better for our partner farmers and our world; it also makes for much fresher, more flavorful spices. You can tell that our spices were grown with immense expertise and care as soon as you crack open the jar.”

We don’t get any kickbacks for saying any of this. We simply FELL in LOVE with their product + believe in their mission. So naturally, we want to support them + share the good news. Try them. You won’t regret it.

Some of our PRODUCT FAVES (however we LOVE them all) is:

  • Wild Icelandic Kelp

  • Smoked Paprika

  • Turkish Oregano Buds

  • Cloud Forest Cardamom Seeds

  • Fermented White Pepper

  • Cinnamon Tree Leaves

Over the next few months, we will be sharing allllllll the recipes we have whipped up with them so far. They have some great ideas on their website as well. Let us know when you try them out + what you use the most.

Be well,

_kimber+ryan+essentially loved.jpg
essentially loved best spices ever keto burlap and barrel

beauty + skincare, clean-living, emotions, encouragement, grief + mourning, in the kitchen, lowtoxliving

Great Deals on Essential Oils


Have you been waiting to invest? Today is YOUR DAY!



The BOGO Box is back!

Available TODAY only- March 22nd, receive all 12 BOGO products, plus Rosemary essential oil as a gift with your purchase.

*Available while supplies last. Limit of five per account

You do NOT want to miss this. Each bottle works out to be just $14.58 a piece. What??? Most bottles have 250 drops in them, the more exotic oils have 80. Each time you use them it is literally cents per use.


if you want, you can also include a FREE wholesale users account. That means 1 year of absolutely anything at any time for 25% off. Yep, for absolutely free. PLUS when you buy the whole set they throw in a free Rosemary as well. Yes, it just keeps getting better and better.

I’ll have all kinds of info going up on here to help you put these beauties to work for you. in areas like





  • KETO


  • + MORE

Purchase BOGO Oil Kit here

Purchase BOGO + Free wholesale account here

Let me know if you have any questions or need help. I am SO HAPPY to be able to offer these to you!


beauty + skincare, clean-living, lowtoxliving

Power-packed All Natural Plant-based Facial Skin Serum Recipe.

essentially loved Be Kind Facial Serum All Natural Recipe

In this post we are going to cover the life-giving benefits of choosing some pretty power-house, nutrient-rich, FABULOUS, non-comedogenic (pore-clogging) plant-based oils in your make-it-yourself-and-save-a-TON-of-money Be Kind Facial Serum. It’s easy, it’s fun, it’s good for you, it saves you moolah, it makes you SHiNE… why not?

Stocking up on some of these oils may cost you a bit, but we are going to show you how to put them to work in many ways. Today… we start with our beautiful faces.

I introduce you to this gem. . .

Be Kind Facial Serum

  • 1T Baobab Oil

  • 1 T Calendula Oil

  • 1 T Camillia Oil

  • 1 t. Moringa Oil

  • 1 t. Argan Oil

Essential Oils

  • 6 drops each:

  • Geranium - Blue Tansy - Lavender - Tea Tree
    Yarrow Pom - Frankincense - Neroli

    3 drops each:

  • Helichrysum - Roman Chamomile

    Mix. Store in a 100ml (or 3 oz) opaque glass dropper bottle. Apply just-enough on your freshly cleansed face ( these soak in deep so make sure you cleansed your face thoroughly. )

That’s the basic recipe - of course, you can modify to make it work best for you as needed. Below we have a list explaining some of the benefits of the plant-based oils we chose. Oh, trust us… there are reasons + they are really great reasons. Keep reading to find out our why.

(We realize we haven’t covered the why behind the essential oils chosen here, but you can click this to learn up on a couple of them. )

Moringa Oil: the Wonder-worker

Moringa oil is one of those oils that covers a lot of ground… or skin. It has moisturizing and emollient properties, which help the skin hydrate and actually retain the moisture. Moringa also has the ability to purify, making it a wonder-worker at dealing with allergenic issues. The behenic acid in this oil helps protect the skin from damage. This oil can reduce fine lines, wrinkles, improve overall appearance, combat breakouts + SO MUCH MORE.

To top it off adding a little of this wonder oil can help to prolong the shelf life of your homemade beauty products. Muah… we LOVE you Moringa!

Baobab Oil: the Hydrator

Baobab oil is a natural moisturizer and an emollient. It is packed with moisture, making it a must-have for dry skin. It works to restore hydration and then it strengthens the skin barrier to keep moisture levels adequate.

Baobab oil is also skin microbiome friendly. Well, what exactly does that mean? The term ‘skin microbiome’ refers to the community of bacteria that live in the layers of your skin and keep it healthy. This is a GOOD THING - just like your gut, keeping that healthy balance is important.

Baobab Oil is not limited to these benefits, as it has many more that are also contained in the remaining oils we will cover.

Fun fact: This oil comes from the seed of the Baobab tree found in Africa. the tallest recorded tree was about 98 feet tall and had a trunk diameter of 36 feet. The trunks become so massive partly because they can HOLD WATER! As much as 1000 gallons of water have been tapped from one trunk. #hydrator

Camellia Seed Oil: the Deliverer

Camellia oil is a very lightweight, dry oil, that has a very similar makeup to our sebum, which is your skin’s natural oil. That means that when applied, the molecules are small enough to be absorbed into the skin immediately instead of sitting on top of the dermis, which helps to lock in moisture, which of course keeps your skin smooth and hydrated throughout the live-long day. Can I get an AMEN?

Not only that, it’s packed full of skin-perfecting nutrients which help preserve the youthful glow of your skin and combat those dreaded wrinkles. This oil delivers!

Fun fact: Historically, this is the oil the Japanese Geisha’s used to keep their skin smooth + gorgeous.

Calendula Oil: the Comforter

Calendula Oil is a great option for your skin. It has so many calming, healing, and anti-inflammatory qualities. It can calm sensitive skin, relieve redness + soothe the skin after acne breakouts.

Where does it come from? it is extracted from those cheerful + happy Pot Marigold flowers. Its mild properties relieve many types of skin conditions and also support your skin’s healing process.

Rosehip Oil: the Tamer

This oil may be best known for its ability to tame inflammation.

One study found that rosehip’s high levels of antioxidants are what make it a superstar in regards to dealing with oxidative stress + inflammation.

Rosehip’s fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic) make it an excellent option for dry skin.

Those same fatty acids are what have shown to bring relief with rosacea, psoriasis, or eczema, (see study)

Rosehip is also rich in Vitamin A + C + E which: Exfoliates - Boosts Collagen - Regenerates cells - Helps with Skin Damage.

So, what is Rosehip Oil?
It comes from the rose bush and is harvested from the fruit. You know those little bulbs that form after the petals fall? That little beauty is the power-packed rosehip.

This fruit is beautifully rich in vitamin C  + Provitamin A (not your common retinol vitamin A), vitamin D, vitamin E, flavonoids, carotenoids, beta-sitosterol, and a plethora of other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Argan Oil: the Doer

Derived from the kernels of the argan tree, it’s packed with a slew of antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids that do absolute wonders for skin. It offers deep hydration + antioxidant protection without clogging pores.

Beautiful, right? Who wouldn’t want to go smother their faces with all of this gold now?

Stay posted. Up next is our AMAZING power-packed restorative serum. You won’t want to miss it…

Be well,

Kimber Ryan Essentially Loved

beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, lowtoxliving, clean-living

Emollient Rich Cuticle Recipe for dry, cracked + brittle nails.


Easy, peasy all natural cuticle cream recipe. PERFECT for gift-giving. This nail salve is so emollient dense your nails will be back to strong and healthy in no time.

Be Well,


and if that little fire video for the cuticle cream recipe is flashing too quickly before your eyes don’t fret… I am posting images below that you can revisit, or pin to pinterest for easy reference later.

Essentially Loved Emollient Rich Cuticle Cream Salve for cracking nails
essentially loved DIY cuticle cream recipe instructions for cracked nails

Keto, lowtoxliving, in the kitchen

Rise n' Shine Keto Coffee Recipe: an Anti-inflammatory Diet Recipe


This is a DELICIOUS Keto Coffee recipe that has incredible anti-inflammatory benefits. Golden Milk is filled with turmeric, ginger, cardamom + black pepper which really BOOST your bodies response to reducing inflammation within the body.

  • 1 Tablespoon MCT Powder

  • 1-2 teaspoon Golden Milk Powder

  • Good Cup of Java

  • 1 dash of Pumpkin Pie Spice

  • 1 dollop Heavy Whipping Cream (no sugar added)

add first three ingredients into a cup and whisk or froth, top with whipping cream, sprinkle the spice and sip away. This is so delicious + so beneficial for your health!

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Be Well,


beauty + skincare, clean-living, lowtoxliving, mind

Tired Much? How to boost health, relieve stress and calm fear: Detox Bath Recipe

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So, can a bath really boost health, relieve stress and calm fear? Absolutely!

We really value much of what Dr. Axe has to say about the importance of choosing natural options for best health practices. He has written a few articles on the benefits of a good detox bath. Here is a lil’ exerpt form one of his articles. “…allowing our bodies (and minds!) time to rest and rid themselves of toxins is essential to staying healthy. After all, if you’re not feeling your best, you can’t give anything — or anyone else — 100 percent.

Toxins are poisonous substances that negatively affect our health. We expose ourselves to toxins on a daily basis, from sources like pollution, processed foods, and pesticides. And when we don’t release these toxins, it’s reflected in our health and the way we feel throughout the day. That’s why I’m such a fan of detox baths.

Detox Bath Benefits

While there are many ways to detox, one of the easiest and most relaxing is through a detox bath. The best part? They’re insanely easy to make at home. You’ll get all the benefits you’d find in a high-end spa bath at a fraction of the price and in the comfort of your own home.

Using essential oils (which strengthen the immune system and support your inflammatory response), along with common household items like baking soda + epsom salts… can help flush impurities from the body by allowing it to sweat out toxins.” Tell me, who doesn’t need a little bit of that right now?

“I recommend doing a bath for about 40 minutes to an hour for best results. The first 20 minutes will give your body time to remove toxins from your system while the last 20 to 40 minutes will allow you to absorb the minerals in the water and help you emerge from the bath feeling rejuvenated. Make sure to use hot water — it’ll help you sweat out impurities.”

Here is what Dr. Mark Hyman has to say about the importance of a good detox. (Dr. Hyman is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in the field of Functional Medicine.)

“When our bodies become toxic it means that our natural method of ushering out metabolic waste from normal human metabolism, environmental pollution, and what has become known as the Standard American Diet (or SAD) has exceeded the threshold for what the body’s innate detoxification system can tolerate.  With this toxic load, every system in the human body can become affected.  From our head to our toes and everything in between, toxicity makes us sick!” - Mark Hyman

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So basically you are getting the message that a good detox bath can induce a relaxing effect on the nerves and the brain, right?

And depending upon the essential oils you pick, you will see some additional benefits.

  • For balancing a grounding go for some wood oils.

  • For skin support and calming go for the florals.

  • For uplifting and encouraging go for the citrus oils.

And whichever you choose for those I would add a few drops of the following to enhance and magnify the Impact of the detox: Blue Tansy, Frankincense, Vetiver, Copaiba. These oils have a huge variety of ways they support your body functions and your mental processes. They are TERRIFIC for the skin. They are also oils that have a very large variety of benefits for overall health.

With all of the stressors out there right now I can’t encourage this enough. Try it and let us know what you think.

Be well,


beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, lowtoxliving, emotions, grief + mourning

In the Name of Fragrance... STOP! Natural Perfume Recipes That Won't Kill You

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Okay, that title may be a little dramatic… but what if it’s not? I mean, have you checked out what your FRAGRANCES are filled with? Take a look. Now investigate what those redjsk;fwemlfadsjfk;dagna unpronounceable words are, what they were possibly created for in the first place, and IF you are BRAVE ENOUGH… see how they could potentially harm your health. (Check out ratings on EWG - environment working group) It’s crazy, and it should be illegal. But in the name of fragrance let’s stop once and for all. These chemicals are literally damaging our systems. Our chimneys (filters) are getting clogged and our cells are getting damaged. Enough is enough.

“But, it’s only a scent. It’s not like I am ingesting it.” Well, actually… breathing in toxic chemicals is very damaging and it does end up in your bloodstream. On top of that, you are applying it to your skin which also absorbs it into your bloodstream.

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Now consider the other places that you have hidden “fragrances”: candles, sprays, plug-ins, cleaners, lotions, makeup, shampoo, and more. I wonder if you made an inventory list how long it would be? I know a few years ago my list would have been L-O-N-G. I still have a few but nothing like I used to. And absolutely no perfume whatsoever, outside of my yummy homemade, all-natural, DIY perfume made with fresh-smelling essential oils.

I know our team LOVES the benefits of these naturally delicious perfumes. They are so inexpensive to make and they help relieve feelings of tension, anxiousness + intensity. They start by encouraging BIG DEEP BREATHS. Next thing you know you feel more grounded and are thinking a bit more level-headed. Sometimes we just need to buy ourselves a little more time to reframe our thoughts.

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I have been using Mel Robbins 5 second rule along with my little mini bottle of natural perfume I have stashed in my purse. So easy to grab it, breathe in, count backwards “5-4-3-2-1” and ask God to show me His truth over the matter at hand. This process is a thing of beauty and has TOTALLY tipped the cap off to release the pressure in the heat of the moment. Ahhhh.

Try it! Let me know how it works for you.

BTW: I highly recommend you check out Mel Robbins tips. She is a no-nonsense, straight shooter. She cuts right to it and gives really valuable resources for FREE! I have loved learning from her and applying it with the knowledge I have about detoxing other heavily loaded areas of my life. I have found she helps deal with a lot of core issues that contribute to the larger problem. So GOOD!

Be Well,


home + decor, kiddos + parenting, mind, Cleaning, emotions, lowtoxliving, clean-living

21 day Reduce + Reuse Project : Home Detox, Clearing out the clutter and anxiety.

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Clutter. Anxiety can lead to clutter + clutter can lead to anxiety.

  • Clutter WAY overstimulates our systems (visual, olfactory and tactile), causing our whole being to work overtime on stimuli that aren't necessary or important.

  • It draws ALL our attention away from where we should be fixing our attention.

  • Clutter makes it nearly impossible to relax, both physically and mentally.

  • It constantly sends messages to our brains that we still have a huge to-do list.

  • It magnifies levels of anxiety because the idea of pile clearing is overwhelming

  • It creates loads of guilt and embarrassment, particularly when someone drops by unexpectedly.

  • It frazzles and exhausts us by making it hard to find what we need, when we need it.

In Life at Home in The Twenty-First Century, anthropologists, social scientists, and archaeologists found a recognizable link between the over-abundance of household objects ( "stressful" home environments) and a person’s health. Women's long-term well-being was drastically impacted. (Men, not so much… apparently messes aren’t as stressful to them as a whole). They measured cortisol levels over a number of days and in cluttered or messy homes, they found a WAY higher rate of depressed moods were evident. Conscious consuming is key!

Why? We simply have too much surrounding us. An average room has over 2,000 visible objects in it. It's no wonder we're over-stimulated and anxious!

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Getting rid of things can be emotional work. Even when you gear yourself up to declutter you can find yourself stuck in an emotional funk. The sentiment of the items (after all you kept it for a reason), guilt about the value of the items (shouldn’t I sell this, yep, let me put it back to sell later) and other factors can make the actual purging process slow down tremendously, if not halt it altogether. But we MUST find a way to just “Let it go, let it go….” (sing it if you must) in order to gain back a sense of calm + peace.

And hear this… Clearing clutter is not the same as organizing it to make it look pretty. Purchase all the bins you want, you can still be overwhelmed by TOO MANY + TOO MUCH. For those riddled with anxious levels of clutter you need to start at ground level. Making it look more managed temporarily doesn’t address the core issue of collecting or being unable to part with the items, which means you will just continue on with more of the same. For lasting change, you must PUSH OUT the clutter- and not just a scattering of items. You must do enough work that everything has its place and its purpose. Wait, let me switch that around into the proper order. So that everything has its purpose in your home and then find its place to reside and be easily found when needed.

With ALL of the family loss our tribe has experienced over the last 15 years I have had my share of holding tight to what was left… The STUFF, whether they held memories for me or not they were once held by my loved ones. That was the closest I could get to them this side of heaven and so I displayed it or tucked it (shoved it) into a storage place. It was chaotic, crammed and sad. It was out of control and boy was I stressed for a good decade. Thank goodness I found some things to help me start the process of decluttering and finding my way back to sanity (and boy did I try a host of things).

Here are some of my favorites - let’s call them TIMELESS CLASSICS:

The Slob Sisters introduced me to a great practical, go-get-it, purging system. AND they have this incredible file card system addressing daily, weekly, monthly and annual, bite sized chore lists that were so easy to use with the kids. I’d let them pick whatever daily card they wanted to do that day. At one point the kids were eager to be first to the file box to pick their card before the others and get cleaning. Say what? It also covers some of the easily forgotten seasonal tasks around the home. LOVE this one! So thankful it is still in print.

Get Your Act Together: A 7-Day Get-Organized Program For The Overworked, Overbooked, and Overwhelmed

The other fun and extremely helpful system came from

Sink Reflections by the Flylady

She taught me that the time of day can matter, and a host of other things. Who knew making the sink sparkle at night could really make me feel better in the morning? She did!

These two may seem a bit outdated in visual design BUT they are a timeless and trusted resource that will really give you a terrific foundation for detoxing the chaos in your home.

Which leads me to the main point, it’s important to find the way that works for how you are wired. Decluttering is KEY for ALL, no doubt. But how you accomplish, how you maintain it, finding your creative routine is critical to staying successful. AND identifying your mental process that contributes to the clutter party is essential.

Find your grove + your routine. Here is an interesting one I ran across that was posted in Apartment Therapy. It is all about a weekend cleaning routine, leaving your workdays a bit more relaxed. I imagine this would be a great concept for those with stressful jobs, where you just need to come home and relax at the end of the day. Do a little self care and catch those quality Zzzzzz’s.

Weekend Cleaning Only routine posted over on Apartment Therapy: ( Check it out here )

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There are a lot of options out there… possibly too many. So don’t get your brain spinning too much on finding the perfect one before you start. Start with one and take away what works well for you. Then dig into another if you need to tweak it up a bit.

And just a reminder as you are going through the home detox motions: The STUFF is not the person. Whether you cling to things to remind you of days gone by, relationships lost, or because you think it contributes to your value… those are all lies. If you truly love the item to your core, keep it. Like if you would pay a pretty penny for it because you just love it that much, then yes, by all means let it spark joy for you. Otherwise free yourself from the bondage of uncontrolled THINGS contributing to a toxic home and/or mindset.

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Most importantly. Have grace for yourself. It is going to be okay, you ARE okay. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are love-able just the way you are. Messy, chaotic, frazzled, feeling stuck, anxious. Whatever led you to this article I hope you walk away feeling encouraged to just take baby steps and move forward little by little. Don’t you worry, you’ll get there. And if you need a little extra help along the way I have posted some recipes for essential oil blends that will help your body to feel supported and relaxed. They are SO UPLIFTING that I just find myself doing BIG DEEP BREATHING. Well, the benefits of deep breathing, there is another whole post right there. For now, trust me, diffuse or roll these blends of essentials…. your emotions will thank you!

Let’s make the decision to be mindful de-toxers + conscious consumers from here on out.

Be well,


kiddos + parenting, encouragement, clean-living, lowtoxliving

Let Go + Let’s GO: Boosting your immune system

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Man, it's being talked about everywhere. How many of you are starting to get a wee bit concerned? Well, word to the wise, the worst thing you can do is STRESS yourself over it. It's wreaks havoc on the immune system and that is the one thing you want stronger than ever..

BOOSTING the IMMUNE SYSTEM seems to be the focus of the month.

The immune system has a vital role: It protects your body from harmful substances, germs and cell changes that could make you ill. It is made up of various organs, cells and proteins.

As long as your immune system is running smoothly, you don’t notice that it’s there. But if it stops working properly – because it’s weak or can't fight particularly aggressive germs – you end up down for the count. Ugh. So let’s find out how to help keep it STRONG!

There’s a L-O-N-G list of things you can avoid and increase in order to support your immune system better. We are going to cover just a few of them that we know are KEY. Let’s check it out

Things to REDUCE for the health of your IMMUNE SYSTEM. This is where I would start. This is not a complete list by any means.

Cut out sugar.
Eating sugar may put your white blood cells into a temporary coma. Even as little as two sugary sodas a day can lower the power of your germ-busting immune cells by 40%. Don’t risk it. Find the hidden sugars in your foods and try to stay in a range 50-100 grams of carbs a day, if doing keto even lower.

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Prolonged stress, intense strain on your body, or operating on too little sleep leads to a weakened immune system. A healthy dose of daily exercise will boost your immune system and reduce your stress but don’t exhaust yourself when trying to build your immune system, or it will have the opposite affect you are looking for.

There are SO MANY ways alcohol impairs your immune system, leaving you more susceptible to threats. It’s important to know that the microbes living in your intestines, your gut’s microbiome, play an important role in fighting diseases.

When you consume larger amounts of alcohol it has many negative effects on your digestive system. It damages the epithelial cells in your intestines, making it harder to absorb many nutrients. It also severely disturbs your gut’s microbiome, significantly altering the balance of healthy and unhealthy bacteria. Alcohol affects the way health gut microbes interact with the immune system. Alcohol also disrupts the gut barrier, allowing more bacteria to pass into the blood. These rogue bacteria can cause inflammation in the liver and may lead to liver damage. Alcohol doesn’t just affect the function of the digestive tract. It also affects the respiratory system. Excessive drinking may impair the function of immune cells in the lungs and upper respiratory system. Because the immunity of the mucus is impaired in both the lungs and digestive tract, any disease can become more severe. PLEASE be cautious with alcohol consumption during this critical season. I know it can help calm the nerves, but is it worth the risk?

And here are the SUPER IMPORTANT pieces to supporting a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM.

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1. Hydrate.
Keep your immunity up by drinking plenty of water to stave off infection. Staying hydrated helps your body naturally eliminate toxins and other bacteria that may cause illness. It helps to carry oxygen to your body cells, which results in properly functioning systems. By adding a little lemon essential oil to your water it helps give an extra boost so your body can remove toxins with ease.

2. Quality Sleep.
Get a solid 7-9 hours of RESTFUL sleep. Getting DEEP sleep is different than shifting around trying to sleep. That solid state of peaceful bliss is what we want to achieve. I get it, when our minds are consumed this can be tough. We will post a few recipes this evening with ideas for relaxing before bed.

Personally I can’t even try to sleep without a diffuser running near my bed. Most nights I prefer a fresh respiratory support blend that helps me to breathe deeply while settling in to slumber. Since my husband ’s diagnosis, and his passing, peaceful sleep has been so hard to find. So I rarely go without a natural supplement that REALLY helps me to relax enough to fall into deep sleep without feeling groggy. I’ll post a sleep kit option below if you think this is something that could help you. And please reach out to me if sleep or stress is a struggle.

Click: >>—-> Bundle Deal Sleep Kit : comes with 12 months of 25% off everything + gobs of goodness from our crew 

3. Gut + Overall Health.
Your gut is the core of your overall health. Feeding it an immune boosting diet of nutrient dense foods, probiotics, proper supplements, and fermented foods is crucial to maintaining a strong, healthy body. And it helps your brain too! Getting what you need in your food can be tough these days, with the quality of food available. So a whole food supplement is a great addition, as well as digestive enzymes to make sure your gut is actually breaking down your food and absorbing all it can from it.

Overall Health. Your immune system uses nutrients to fight infections. That’s right , food is powerful. So like we just talked about in the gut health portion, finding best quality food is tough. Our land that grows the food is a bit depleted of resources so quality of nutrients is less than optimal for a strong body. That whole food supplement that lifelong vitality brings you really is your BEST every day key body strengthening option. It is balanced, not too much, not too little, perfectly adapted to boost our cultures dietary norm to peak performance.

And let me say this, with the weight of worries on our shoulders and minds right now, this is NO TIME to skimp on helping your body be as effective as it can in fueling its immune system. Having the basic building blocks in place is a MUST. Your body was created to fight what it needs to, it just needs the proper fuel and maintenance to do so. Omega 3’s are vital to a well supported immune system.

If you think you need to do a better job supporting your IMMUNE SYSTEM this set is perfect.

Click >>—> Immune Support bundle: comes with 12 months 25% off everything and a bazillion other perks from our team

We are here to help you find the best way to support your current needs. So please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to help you.

Be well,

Immune Support bundle

home + decor, Cleaning, Keto, clean-living, lowtoxliving

21 day Reduce + Reuse Project: In the kitchen

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Toxins, in the kitchen. Where are they, what do they do? Do the toxins really hurt us that much?

Have you spent much time considering the toxins in your kitchen? I am guessing you have probably taken a look at your cleaners and considered what is included in the ingredients list. If not, that is a great place to begin evaluating on your quest to go toxin free. Prepared to be shocked at what you find. That isn’t what we are covering today though.

Did you know the most harmful way to come into contact with toxins is through ingestion? Anytime we ingest anything, it has a direct route to the bloodstream + begins affecting the body right away.

So is food the only way you introduce chemicals and toxins through ingestion? No, what you cook your food in plays a part too. Pots + pans play a huge role as our food comes into direct contact with it, sits in it, and transform through the process of being exposed to it.

And what about when you’re standing over the food you’re cooking, you are inhaling those gases, Inviting them straight into your body with full access. Using a vent fan can help minimize this, but the ultimate way to avoid this problem of inhaling toxins is by choosing safe cookware to begin with.

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Toxic Cookware to Avoid:
1. Ceramic-coated pans

Ceramic pans and cutlery are usually metals coated with a synthetic polymer that is softer than metal. This coating can easily wear off and can only last for about one year. Once the coating begins to wear off and depending on the material beneath the synthetic polymer, toxic metals can begin leaching into your food.

2. Non-stick cookware (Teflon)

Non-stick cookware contains a similar synthetic coating of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which is a plastic polymer that can release harmful and carcinogenic gases at temperatures exceeding 500 degrees Fahrenheit. In humans, these fumes can cause flu-like symptoms several hours after exposure, resulting in a condition called polymer fume fever that is often misdiagnosed as the viral flu. The gases are so toxic that for most birds, they are fatal.

3. Aluminum cookware and aluminum foil

Aluminum cookware is often coated to prevent the aluminum from seeping off the appliance. However, these protective coatings easily chip and wear off. Aluminum can be affordable, but may not be worth the risk of transferring aluminum into your food and contributing to potential aluminum toxicity. Aluminum can accumulate in your brain, lungs, bones, and other tissues, causing tangles in nerve fibers and leading to muscular dysfunction and memory loss.1 Aluminum has not been shown to be a cause of Alzheimer’s disease, but increased levels of aluminum in the brain have been noted in autopsies of Alzheimer’s patients which suggests that aluminum toxicity may be a risk factor in the disease.2 Common sources of aluminum include antiperspirants, some toothpaste, aluminum foil, aluminum cans, and aluminum cookware. Simply ditching the aluminum foil for a glass baking dish can help you reduce your intake of aluminum.

4. Copper pans

Copper cookware is popular because it heats evenly over the surface. However, I do not recommend using it in your home. Uncoated copper can leach into your food and even protective coatings will break down over time. Too much copper can suppress your zinc levels and weaken your immune system,3 interfering with adrenal and thyroid function which most commonly results in fatigue.

 They say that small daily decisions lead to long term effects. If that is the case then choosing the right pan is one of the first places to start in reducing toxins in your home.

Here are some great toxic-free choices:

Toxic Free Cookware 21 day Reduce and Reuse Project essentially loved

1. Enameled Cast-Iron

Coated cast-iron pans offer the non-stick benefits of Teflon without the harmful gases. Enameled cast-iron pots are easier to care for and available in various colors, but if you want the benefits of iron, then opt for the bare versions.

2. Bare Cast-Iron

When seasoned properly, bare cast-iron is the ideal non-stick surface. It can also transfer small amounts of iron into your food when cooking acidic ingredients. This can be beneficial for those who suspect an iron deficiency and need to increase their iron intake. Bare cast-iron requires a little more care than enameled cast-iron, but it is more affordable and heats more evenly than its enameled counterpart. Bare cast-iron can also be used in an oven or on a grill.

3. Stainless steel

Stainless steel cookware is affordable and very stable at high temperatures. This cookware is non-stick, lighter than cast-iron, resistant to scratching, and lasts significantly longer than coated materials.

4. Carbon Steel

Carbon Steel pans are extremely versatile. Very popular with chefs. They are broiler safe. Like cast iron, carbon steel pans become more and more nonstick over time, without the need for special coatings during manufacturing. Carbon steel pans are thinner and lighter than cast iron, and also more responsive to temperature changes.

5. Glass

Similar to cast-iron and stainless steel, glass is a sturdy material that will not release chemicals or toxic metals into your food. Glass dishes are ideal for baking and storing leftovers. We recommend using glass storage containers instead of plastic in order to avoid toxins.

So, do you have any pans you are ready to toss out with the trash? Which of the safe toxic-free cookware options above seems like the best fit for you? We would LOVE to hear from you.

COOKING TIP for CAST IRON: If you are looking for a terrific video that teaches you how to properly season a cast iron pan here is one from Tasty that we suggest watching! They have some terrific tips on how to care for your cast iron. Thinking the same method could be used to season your carbon steel pan. https://youtu.be/KLGSLCaksdY

Be well,


emotions, home + decor, mind, clean-living, lowtoxliving

21 day Reduce + Reuse Project : Plant Detox

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How many of you have thought much about the quantity of plants you have in your home?

If you paid attention in science class you probably remember that plants improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis. (Big sigh) Did you know they also increase humidity by transpiring water vapor through microscopic leaf pores? And.... they can passively absorb pollutants on the external surfaces of leaves and on the plant root-soil system.

NASA ran a study and suggests one plant for every 100 Sq. ft. Of living space in order to help remove harmful toxins from the air.

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So what could be hiding unseen in our homes (but sucked into our lungs) through our air?
Symptoms associated with short term exposure include excitement, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting followed by drowsiness and coma.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include irritation to nose, mouth and throat, and in severe cases, swelling of the larynx and lungs.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include irritation to eyes, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, increase in heart rate, headaches, confusion and in some cases can result in unconsciousness.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include irritation to mouth and throat, dizziness, headache, confusion, heart problems, liver and kidney damage and coma.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include eye irritation, coughing, sore throat. UM, no thank you!

(For more information on the study and these infographics go to: https://www.lovethegarden.com/uk-en/article/nasa-guide-air-filtering-houseplants )

Oh my word… does this make you wonder what is lingering in your air? May I suggest something? more plants + more diffusing. YES?

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Or maybe you happen to have some of these air purifying plants on the list? If so, would you mind sharing which ones, and how you keep them healthy?

I have two of them already (just by a fluke). However there is one I spotted on the list that I think needs to be added within the walls of my home. The “Kimberly Queen Fern”. Haha. I may be a bit biased seeing as how my name is Kimberly and my netflix favicon is “The Queen”. But for real, isn’t it charming?

So for those of us new to plants in the home, what are the best methods for keeping them alive? How do we keep them from shriveling up into a slow crispy brown death, Well, we need to begin by reading the instructions for placement, proper potting, and care. We can also give them a lil’ extra plant love. >>———>

Here is a recipe we have for you, MAGIC GROW. A natural plant boosting recipe. Mix the ingredients, spray the soil/roots once a month and voila… healthy growing and protected plants.

And as for the air, and increasing health benefits through the air within your home, we have included a terrific air purifying diffuser blend. It will immediately improve air quality and also deter any little plant dwelling pests.

  • Tea Tree oil is a fantastic insect repellent, it supports a healthy respiratory system, it is an excellent air purifier.

  • Clove oil is a natural bug deterrent, boosts the immune system, supports healthy circulation, and so much more!

  • Lemongrass oil boosts self-esteem, confidence, hope, mental strength, and uplifts spirits. It is also a wonderful deodorant. It is known for its detoxing properties, even when applied on the skin.

For those of you new to the idea of essential oils for natural options, I have put together a little PLANT CARE KIT that includes two ultra fine mist spray bottles and the three essential oils listed above. I will also post an AIR PURIFYING KIT for having what you need to detox the air in your home.

With these kits you will also receive a wholesale membership good for one year with it, saving 25% off anything you choose, at any time. AND best of all, our team is here to walk this oil life with you, and as if we aren’t enough you’ll also get full access to our members only education group, and (wait for it) as an added BONUS you’ll receive a beautiful customized welcome packet from our crew. Guys, you won’t look back, EVER. Go, now, run don’t walk.

Some of you may be wondering why you can’t just head to your nearest discount box store and get the same thing for cheaper. Trust me, you can’t. It’s that simple. I’ve seen it all and heard the feedback. This is one area you want to make sure you are getting what you pay for (and in most cases out there you aren’t…this is PROVEN over and over again!) … you want every little drop to be the most cost EFFECTIVE for you. You want this to actually work.

So here are two kits to choose from: (just click the name and it will link you)

If you are planning on snagging either one of these kits make sure to reach out to us to let us know. We want to tailor your welcome gift to your specific needs.

Can’t wait to share DAY TWO of the 21 day Reduce + Reuse Project with you tomorrow.

Be well,
