
grief, grief + mourning, mind, emotions

Recognizing Trauma Through Mind Scribble | Free Worksheet

Trauma, it isn’t what happened, it is what happens within us as a result of harsh life events that impacted us. When we can’t process properly in the moment of the event it stores itself up in our mind and bodies. And it wreaks havoc just sitting there. Ignoring it just isn’t good enough, it’s eating at us, whether we can identify the damage or not. So, what do we do? We begin with recognition. We start by not being afraid to tap into what hasn’t been dealt with yet. I’ve created (what I think) is a fun process to loosen up and let go a little.

It all started today when I was watching a REALLY good sermon on Trauma. You heard me right, a sermon on Trauma. Craig Groeschel at Life Church did an excellent job of unpacking what trauma is, how important it is for the healing process to recognize it, and how this leads to a place where you can eventually use your pain for a purpose by helping others. This info wasn’t new to me but an idea in response to it was.

As I was listening to the end of the sermon an image of a worksheet popped into my head. I quickly created this worksheet and decided to give it a try. I have to say, I loved the process of it. I snuggled up on my cozy couch, with a cozy blanket, rolled some breathe on my chest to open my airways and mind, got my pens ready, and relaxed my way into the process.

As I was began I went in with a black pen to write down past events that popped into my head. I didn’t allow myself time to sit and process each event, I just remembered, jotted it down, and moved on to the next one. Then I decided to go back and create a more artistic expression with it. I grabbed colored pens and quickly scanned my life once again (starting a little younger), writing down what came to mind in a few words. For some of my entries I used letters, initials, or code words.

Feel free to save and print out the image on the left to complete your own. It’s free. I am SO for you finding freedom from the bound pain. I’m over here right now praying for you and your process. I know God cares so deeply about all you have been through. and he wants to help you heal. He really does.

Once you have worked through this and sat with it a little make sure and check back here. I’ll be sharing new posts to help with some next steps once you get this completed.

BIG SIGH, say a prayer asking God to hold you tight through the process, and let’s get to work.

You got this!


emotions, grief, grief + mourning, mind

Unfelt Grief | How to Honor Your Sadness + Process Through It

Essentially Loved | Essential Oil and Grief | Sadness | Breathing techniques | Resources

Pain, it’s natural for us to want to avoid it, right? Our built in avoidance techniques shift into gear before we even recognize them. This leads us to a place of trapped emotions. These emotions can wreak havoc in our mind and bodies.

I don’t know what events lead you here. But for me the alarms signals began blaring after I lost my husband. I had been through a lot of loss + hardship prior to. Unfortunately, I thought I was handling the past events fine. As I have been learning new ways to process my sadness and recognize triggers old stuff has emerged as well. My body was keeping the score.

So in this post I want to WELCOME YOU to a simple practice of honoring your sadness. Helping you to see that you don’t need to be afraid of it or press it down. I want you to have freedom from the fear of sadness leaking out or erupting by practicing ways to welcome it. With the practice of holding sadness sessions, by allowing it and moving it through, it will help release a lot of the pressure of the unexpected outbursts. Oh, triggers will still bring some tears but they may not have the same energy behind them and you will know what helps you to move through it. This really helps, truly.

You want to start by creating a safe space and protected time. Someplace you feel comfortable and won’t be easily interrupted. You may want music playing, essential oils diffusing, a candle lit, a cozy blanket, or the fresh air with grass underneath you. Just find space somewhere that you feel safe enough.

The next thing I do is grab some scriptures and read them asking God for his clarity and truth to be present as I begin to feel and process. I invite Him into the space with me. This reminds me that I am NOT ALONE, He is leading.

Essentially Loved | Grief Work | Emotional Support | Essential Oils | Resources | Grief Coach

Then I grab an essential oil and put a drop in the palm of my hand and rub my palms together. While my brain is preparing to settle into the memories or situation I am doing my deep breathing. In through my nose for 5 seconds, exhale through my nose for 7-11 seconds. and repeat, and repeat, and repeat. Eventually I drop my hands, my eyes are closed and tears are streaming. (Keep the tissue close by and make sure the oils aren’t on your finger tips for the tear wipes.)

Often during this time Jesus arrives on the scene and shows me something new about it. Not always, but often. When that I like to journal down the notes.

This process seems simple enough, doesn’t it? Just wait until you make a commitment to start practicing this and you will see how powerful it is. God is a creative God and as you begin trying this He will show you new things to try and do in response.

The goal of this isn’t to circle and spin in one thought, it is to learn how to move through them. These hurts are stored in our memory banks but how we respond to them makes a big difference in how we show up in the world. If you feel stuck you may need professional help to learn some new techniques or skills. Don’t be afraid of that either. Seeking help is one of the bravest things you can do and it is such a terrific reminder that you are not in this alone. People care and want to help you!

I am also listing oils specifically helpful for processing sadness. These essential oils can do a multitude of things but today I am sharing a list of them for emotional support with sadness. Breathe is exceptionally good for this particular practice as it opens the airways and clears thinking.

Essentially loved grief essential oils sadness  unfelt grief resources
  • Hope essential oil blend

  • Rose essential oil

  • Console essential oil blend

  • Citrus Bliss essential oil blend

  • Ylang Ylang essential oil

  • Siberian fir essential oil

  • Peppermint essential oil

  • Eucalyptus essential oil

These are terrific natural options for helping your mind to relax, release, feel and move through.

I’m praying for you and your process. I know God is with you in this, and so am I.


grief + mourning, in the kitchen, inthekitchen, emotions

Grandma's Apple Dumpling Recipe : Best Comfort Food Dessert


I know, I know… it has gluten, it has sugar… and these things are not terrific for your health. However, there is something about embracing the traditions passed down every once in a while. They remind you of heartfelt days of the past, love around a table, laughter. It evokes happy and comforting emotions.

And this right here is exactly that. My Grandma’s Apple Dumplings brought us together every single time. And when I make them… same. And when my daughters make them… same. We gather + we belly laugh. Somehow the two go hand in hand.

So here is a short version of the recipe if you already have a pie crust and apple filling you love. BUT I seriously doubt it will out-do my Grandma’s which is on the two image spread below.

(Also - side note: I prefer my dumpling crust a bit thicker than a typical pie crust. )

I’d love to hear how they turn out. Drop a note below in the comments.


grief, grief + mourning, lowtoxliving, mind, emotions

Grief Serum Recipe: a simple + kind nightly routine towards healing.

Grief is sneaky.

Grief is heavy.

Grief is exhausting.

Grief can deplete us to a place where we barely recognize ourselves.

And here is the thing…

Sometimes it wears us down to a level that not only impacts our state of mind but our bodies and potentially our belief systems as well. We may end up believing we don’t have anything in us to pull out of the pit we are currently in. That is a flat-out LIE though… even in the depths of grief, we can still continue to take steps towards healing.

That is what this post is all about. Having a super simple tool on hand that feels darn good, is relaxing, and helps you take steps towards healing.

I have found at the end of the day, during the time that pillow talk would typically happen, I needed a way to care for myself and remind myself I was going to be okay. Somehow, my evening process with this simple technique was not only caring for me but it also helped me to remember I was wanting to show up better and stronger for my future.

Note: You aren’t limited to using it at night, these tools and techniques can be used any time of day, whenever grief overwhelm strikes. Many of the oils do assist

Let me tell you a little bit about why I chose these specific essential oils included in my Grief Serum Recipe. Each one provides essential oils that help provide emotional stability, promote movement throughout the mind + body, and are especially good for the skin. I am telling you these are grief-busting oils. They target the areas that grief has tried to make me out, and I am guessing you as well.

Look, I am not saying this is a “do this and BAM, IT’S INSTANTLY BETTER.” But what I am saying is it truly is a soothing technique that does a lot more than just feel good. Whether you feel them or not your body and mind are responding, and with consistent use there will be substantial change. And yes, how it does work for me instantly is in the reminder that I care about myself, I care about my future, I care about how I process my grief and move forward.

I have a graphic posted with the recipe, the number on each essential oil bottle is how many drops to put in the 10ml roller bottle, and then top with baobab oil. You can use another low-comedogenic oil but this one is an absolute favorite of mine.

Make sure you check out the graphics I have posted here to see more on the oil-specific benefits. And feel free to do your own check on each one, you will be BLOWN AWAY. So good!

If you don’t have these specific oils I have a link to grab them here: GRIEF SKINCARE OILS

This investment towards natural health is completely worth it and trust me, there are SO many additional uses for these beauties. (If you decide to grab these make sure and send me a note so I can get you my additional uses booklet.)

Items you will need:

Frankincense, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy + Roman Chamomile

Baobab Oil Carrier Oil

10ml White / Gold Rollerbottles

Beginner’s Face Massage Book

There are a whole host of resources you can use to learn new techniques for self-administered face, foot, and body massage. The book I have listed above is really simple to follow along with and in the thick of heavy grief simple matters. I also have a lymphatic book that is spectacular: The Book of Lymph , if you want to get a little more specific in areas you are addressing. I use it for my sinus congestion. One more item I find really helpful is my Gua Sha stone, it is cool + smooth, I love the way it glides across my skin with the grief serum. These aren’t necessary, just for those who like to dive deep quickly. The essential oils + the baobab oil in a roller bottle, and your hands, are all you need to do the basic techniques in the beginner’s book.

I’d love to hear your feedback after trying this nightly for a few weeks. Let me know if you experience slightly deeper sleep, calmer nerves, or maybe a spark of nurture has lit for your weary soul.

Grief is hard work but it is SO worth it! I am praying this technique becomes a simple and effective tool for you to have in your grief toolbox.


emotions, grief, grief + mourning, mind, encouragement

5 tips for Gripping Hope through the Holidays: dealing with Grief + Emotions

She sat there, or was trying to. Even the task of sitting brought discomfort. It required stillness, and stillness allowed for ALL of the emotions to be felt. If only she could just keep doing, moving, planning….


but she was exhausted. All of her attempts at grief escape had left her depleted. Her mind + body needed rest but the physical and mental exhaust had only dropped the defensive walls down to the surface of the grief flood waters, they were brimming, beginning to splash over a little. How might she avoid the onrushing waves that were certain to crash in soon? Oh, please, not now….

She was tired. Too tired for the heavy weep of sorrow. Oh, so tired… but oh so unsettled. Letting the grief flow freely was still so difficult, so painful.

But so was avoiding it, just a different kind of steady pain that she barely recognized was happening. Recognized or not, it was crippling her. It was taking her out, little by little, day by day. She had to find a way…

And so she did, and she still does. Because grief is certain to come and go.

But now, most of the time, she knows when to welcome it, and how she can do that best.

Let’s see if some of the tips in the slide show above help you. I tried to think of some of the biggest issues I have faced coping with grief during the holidays. It’s challenging, I won’t lie. But, we do have options that can help us manage better, help us find our way through it with a little more ease. It isn’t easy but it feels better after we do it. Honest!

I created a mini-book for you to help to move through the holidays. It has more detailed information and access to some of what I use regularly in my Grief Toolbox. You can click the link HERE for my HOPE for the Grieving Heart Mini-Book. It is only $6.95, up for a very limited time at just a fraction of the cost that my physical book will be. So grab it while you can!


clean-living, beauty + skincare, emotions, lowtoxliving, mind

4 Ideas for Lymphatic Cleansing

The lymphatic system is like your body’s second circulatory system. It is responsible for the following:

  • Detoxification of waste products from the body

  • Immunity boosts to keep the body healthy

  • Transportation of nutrients throughout the body

It might help if you think of the lymphatic system as your body’s trash collector and disposal system. It pumps lymphatic fluids throughout the body in order to absorb toxins + waste so that it can eliminate them from the body. If your lymphatic system slows down it can quickly clog and cause major problems with major organs and systems within the body.

The lymphatic system plays another very important role by absorbing the fats + vitamins you take in and delivering them where they need to go. When we take all of that into consideration, and we recognize how our physical bodies impact the brain, mind + emotions… Well, you can see why it is vital to do your best to keep it working smoothly.

So, I put together four VERY simple and easy techniques that are gentle + kind to your system. For those of you in the thick of grief I know it is easy to get overstimulated and overwhelmed, so I wanted to keep it super simple.

These are all things I have been using over the last few years, I actually began them prior to Dave’s passing, during his illness. I am here to tell you, no matter what shape you are in, you will feel SO MUCH better implementing these.

Just pick one, after a few days try adding another if you feel up to it.

GUA SHA is a simple technique that you can easily do yourself. There are several youtube tutorials to follow. You will need the following items:

  • a GUA SHA stone

  • Essential Oil Face Serum w/ Frankincense, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum, Hawaiian Sandalwood, and Rose. (PLEASE, only use certified + pure, 3rd party tested eos, many are adulterated + filled with toxins in the name of “fragrance”)

Here is a Gua Sha Beginners video (click here)

HYDRATE more water, more water, more water. Increase your water to 50% of your weight. HNow does that work - claculate by taking your weight in pounds + drink half of that in ounces of water. Make SURE it is filtered. No plastic bottles. No carbonation. No juice. Just water counts for this one. You can have other drinks but they don’t contribute to your count. And caffeine can actually take away from it.

Drinking water with 1-2 drops of lemon or grapefruit essential oil in it is excellent for detox + your body while at the same time it will really uplift your mood.

  • Berkey Water Filters are some of the best around for removing bacteria, pesticides, minerals and metals .

  • Lemon essential oil, or grapefruit, are essential to add to your water for a gentle detox.

  • Hydro Flask makes my FAVORITE water bottle to use with essential oils. Using a water bottle helps keep the tracking easy. (You want to use metal or glass when using eos.)

DETOX BATH SOAK is oh-so relaxing + calming to the mind it is also an AMAZING way to pump up that lymphatic system.

Hot water will dilate blood vessels, the epsom salt and baking soda draw out the impurities. Essential oils boost your body’s natural ability to purge what it needs to + support your lymphatic system.

  • 2 cups Epsom Salt

  • 1 cup Baking Soda

  • Essential Oil Blend specifically designed to help boost your body’s detox system with Tangerine Peel, Rosemary Leaf, Geranium Flower/Leaf, Juniper Berry, Cilantro Herb essential oils.

    Directions: Fill the tub with hot water. Mix the salt, soda + 6 drops of the essential oil. Blend well. Add to bathwater just before soaking and stir in well. Soak for 30-45 minutes.

    Repeat weekly. Make sure and hydrate extra well after your soak, and the following day.

Now, let’s talk REBOUNDING.

This is SO incredibly good for all the cells in your body. It is gentle on the joints. It totally helps with mood, especially when you pump up some. music.

It stimulates the lymphatic system and moves those nasty toxins right out of your body. This is one of the fastest ways to jiggle + shake ALL those lymph nodes in your body at one time.

I have a jamming playlist I play on my earbuds as I get in the zone. I also pop a couple of peppermint beadlets in advance because there are studies done on the effects of this essential oil and increasde physical performance. PLUS it opens the airways and completely lifts my mood.

You don’t have to jump intensely, just hop on a bounce gently, pick it up a little and then back to gentle. Have fun with it.

I like the ones with handles, and some are foldable for easier storage, like this one that’s available on Amazon: Rebounder

Check out this diagram with all the lymph nodes in the body. Crazy right? I figured seeing them may help you want to do something to help them be tip-top.

Now, go jiggle + jump, hydrate + flush, soak + release, and massage those babies.

Make sure and let me know what you try and how it works. Let me know if you have any questions.

If you are really spurred on to do all you can and you really want to dive in, you can always go for a full-on detox kit. We have a great natural option that steps through the elimination pathways in the proper order so that you get maximum detox results without side effects. When you purchase the kit you will also receive an ebook + gift box from us. You have us to help walk you through it as well. This is something we highly suggest doing two times a year. You’ll be amazed at how clear your skin is, how your energy increases, and mental clarity. BOOM!

You can purchase your all-natural detox solution here: Detox Kit

clean-living, emotions, lowtoxliving, mind

Great deal on Anxi-munity Bundle.


If you struggle with feelings of anxiousness or are looking for ways to strengthen your body, this set is FOR YOU! We have an INCREDIBLE limited time offer and the hours are counting down. Check it out below. Hurry while supplies last, this will sell out quickly.

Check out the amazing benefits of these oils. There will be even more with the mystery oils still being revealed. SIX!


beauty + skincare, clean-living, emotions, encouragement, grief + mourning, in the kitchen, lowtoxliving

Great Deals on Essential Oils


Have you been waiting to invest? Today is YOUR DAY!



The BOGO Box is back!

Available TODAY only- March 22nd, receive all 12 BOGO products, plus Rosemary essential oil as a gift with your purchase.

*Available while supplies last. Limit of five per account

You do NOT want to miss this. Each bottle works out to be just $14.58 a piece. What??? Most bottles have 250 drops in them, the more exotic oils have 80. Each time you use them it is literally cents per use.


if you want, you can also include a FREE wholesale users account. That means 1 year of absolutely anything at any time for 25% off. Yep, for absolutely free. PLUS when you buy the whole set they throw in a free Rosemary as well. Yes, it just keeps getting better and better.

I’ll have all kinds of info going up on here to help you put these beauties to work for you. in areas like





  • KETO


  • + MORE

Purchase BOGO Oil Kit here

Purchase BOGO + Free wholesale account here

Let me know if you have any questions or need help. I am SO HAPPY to be able to offer these to you!


beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, lowtoxliving, emotions, grief + mourning

In the Name of Fragrance... STOP! Natural Perfume Recipes That Won't Kill You

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Okay, that title may be a little dramatic… but what if it’s not? I mean, have you checked out what your FRAGRANCES are filled with? Take a look. Now investigate what those redjsk;fwemlfadsjfk;dagna unpronounceable words are, what they were possibly created for in the first place, and IF you are BRAVE ENOUGH… see how they could potentially harm your health. (Check out ratings on EWG - environment working group) It’s crazy, and it should be illegal. But in the name of fragrance let’s stop once and for all. These chemicals are literally damaging our systems. Our chimneys (filters) are getting clogged and our cells are getting damaged. Enough is enough.

“But, it’s only a scent. It’s not like I am ingesting it.” Well, actually… breathing in toxic chemicals is very damaging and it does end up in your bloodstream. On top of that, you are applying it to your skin which also absorbs it into your bloodstream.

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Now consider the other places that you have hidden “fragrances”: candles, sprays, plug-ins, cleaners, lotions, makeup, shampoo, and more. I wonder if you made an inventory list how long it would be? I know a few years ago my list would have been L-O-N-G. I still have a few but nothing like I used to. And absolutely no perfume whatsoever, outside of my yummy homemade, all-natural, DIY perfume made with fresh-smelling essential oils.

I know our team LOVES the benefits of these naturally delicious perfumes. They are so inexpensive to make and they help relieve feelings of tension, anxiousness + intensity. They start by encouraging BIG DEEP BREATHS. Next thing you know you feel more grounded and are thinking a bit more level-headed. Sometimes we just need to buy ourselves a little more time to reframe our thoughts.

Sweet + Fresh all natural Perfume recipe essentially loved.png

I have been using Mel Robbins 5 second rule along with my little mini bottle of natural perfume I have stashed in my purse. So easy to grab it, breathe in, count backwards “5-4-3-2-1” and ask God to show me His truth over the matter at hand. This process is a thing of beauty and has TOTALLY tipped the cap off to release the pressure in the heat of the moment. Ahhhh.

Try it! Let me know how it works for you.

BTW: I highly recommend you check out Mel Robbins tips. She is a no-nonsense, straight shooter. She cuts right to it and gives really valuable resources for FREE! I have loved learning from her and applying it with the knowledge I have about detoxing other heavily loaded areas of my life. I have found she helps deal with a lot of core issues that contribute to the larger problem. So GOOD!

Be Well,


home + decor, kiddos + parenting, mind, Cleaning, emotions, lowtoxliving, clean-living

21 day Reduce + Reuse Project : Home Detox, Clearing out the clutter and anxiety.

HOME DETOX Clearing clutter 21 day reduce and reuse project essentially loved.png

Clutter. Anxiety can lead to clutter + clutter can lead to anxiety.

  • Clutter WAY overstimulates our systems (visual, olfactory and tactile), causing our whole being to work overtime on stimuli that aren't necessary or important.

  • It draws ALL our attention away from where we should be fixing our attention.

  • Clutter makes it nearly impossible to relax, both physically and mentally.

  • It constantly sends messages to our brains that we still have a huge to-do list.

  • It magnifies levels of anxiety because the idea of pile clearing is overwhelming

  • It creates loads of guilt and embarrassment, particularly when someone drops by unexpectedly.

  • It frazzles and exhausts us by making it hard to find what we need, when we need it.

In Life at Home in The Twenty-First Century, anthropologists, social scientists, and archaeologists found a recognizable link between the over-abundance of household objects ( "stressful" home environments) and a person’s health. Women's long-term well-being was drastically impacted. (Men, not so much… apparently messes aren’t as stressful to them as a whole). They measured cortisol levels over a number of days and in cluttered or messy homes, they found a WAY higher rate of depressed moods were evident. Conscious consuming is key!

Why? We simply have too much surrounding us. An average room has over 2,000 visible objects in it. It's no wonder we're over-stimulated and anxious!

home detox clear the clutter 21 day reduce and reuse project 1 essentially loved.png

Getting rid of things can be emotional work. Even when you gear yourself up to declutter you can find yourself stuck in an emotional funk. The sentiment of the items (after all you kept it for a reason), guilt about the value of the items (shouldn’t I sell this, yep, let me put it back to sell later) and other factors can make the actual purging process slow down tremendously, if not halt it altogether. But we MUST find a way to just “Let it go, let it go….” (sing it if you must) in order to gain back a sense of calm + peace.

And hear this… Clearing clutter is not the same as organizing it to make it look pretty. Purchase all the bins you want, you can still be overwhelmed by TOO MANY + TOO MUCH. For those riddled with anxious levels of clutter you need to start at ground level. Making it look more managed temporarily doesn’t address the core issue of collecting or being unable to part with the items, which means you will just continue on with more of the same. For lasting change, you must PUSH OUT the clutter- and not just a scattering of items. You must do enough work that everything has its place and its purpose. Wait, let me switch that around into the proper order. So that everything has its purpose in your home and then find its place to reside and be easily found when needed.

With ALL of the family loss our tribe has experienced over the last 15 years I have had my share of holding tight to what was left… The STUFF, whether they held memories for me or not they were once held by my loved ones. That was the closest I could get to them this side of heaven and so I displayed it or tucked it (shoved it) into a storage place. It was chaotic, crammed and sad. It was out of control and boy was I stressed for a good decade. Thank goodness I found some things to help me start the process of decluttering and finding my way back to sanity (and boy did I try a host of things).

Here are some of my favorites - let’s call them TIMELESS CLASSICS:

The Slob Sisters introduced me to a great practical, go-get-it, purging system. AND they have this incredible file card system addressing daily, weekly, monthly and annual, bite sized chore lists that were so easy to use with the kids. I’d let them pick whatever daily card they wanted to do that day. At one point the kids were eager to be first to the file box to pick their card before the others and get cleaning. Say what? It also covers some of the easily forgotten seasonal tasks around the home. LOVE this one! So thankful it is still in print.

Get Your Act Together: A 7-Day Get-Organized Program For The Overworked, Overbooked, and Overwhelmed

The other fun and extremely helpful system came from

Sink Reflections by the Flylady

She taught me that the time of day can matter, and a host of other things. Who knew making the sink sparkle at night could really make me feel better in the morning? She did!

These two may seem a bit outdated in visual design BUT they are a timeless and trusted resource that will really give you a terrific foundation for detoxing the chaos in your home.

Which leads me to the main point, it’s important to find the way that works for how you are wired. Decluttering is KEY for ALL, no doubt. But how you accomplish, how you maintain it, finding your creative routine is critical to staying successful. AND identifying your mental process that contributes to the clutter party is essential.

Find your grove + your routine. Here is an interesting one I ran across that was posted in Apartment Therapy. It is all about a weekend cleaning routine, leaving your workdays a bit more relaxed. I imagine this would be a great concept for those with stressful jobs, where you just need to come home and relax at the end of the day. Do a little self care and catch those quality Zzzzzz’s.

Weekend Cleaning Only routine posted over on Apartment Therapy: ( Check it out here )

essentially loved diffuser blend citrus fresh home detox

There are a lot of options out there… possibly too many. So don’t get your brain spinning too much on finding the perfect one before you start. Start with one and take away what works well for you. Then dig into another if you need to tweak it up a bit.

And just a reminder as you are going through the home detox motions: The STUFF is not the person. Whether you cling to things to remind you of days gone by, relationships lost, or because you think it contributes to your value… those are all lies. If you truly love the item to your core, keep it. Like if you would pay a pretty penny for it because you just love it that much, then yes, by all means let it spark joy for you. Otherwise free yourself from the bondage of uncontrolled THINGS contributing to a toxic home and/or mindset.

less stress home detox roller bottle 12 day reduce and reuse project essentially loved.png

Most importantly. Have grace for yourself. It is going to be okay, you ARE okay. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are love-able just the way you are. Messy, chaotic, frazzled, feeling stuck, anxious. Whatever led you to this article I hope you walk away feeling encouraged to just take baby steps and move forward little by little. Don’t you worry, you’ll get there. And if you need a little extra help along the way I have posted some recipes for essential oil blends that will help your body to feel supported and relaxed. They are SO UPLIFTING that I just find myself doing BIG DEEP BREATHING. Well, the benefits of deep breathing, there is another whole post right there. For now, trust me, diffuse or roll these blends of essentials…. your emotions will thank you!

Let’s make the decision to be mindful de-toxers + conscious consumers from here on out.

Be well,


emotions, home + decor, mind, clean-living, lowtoxliving

21 day Reduce + Reuse Project : Plant Detox

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How many of you have thought much about the quantity of plants you have in your home?

If you paid attention in science class you probably remember that plants improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis. (Big sigh) Did you know they also increase humidity by transpiring water vapor through microscopic leaf pores? And.... they can passively absorb pollutants on the external surfaces of leaves and on the plant root-soil system.

NASA ran a study and suggests one plant for every 100 Sq. ft. Of living space in order to help remove harmful toxins from the air.

21 day reduce and reuse project plants nasa.jpg

So what could be hiding unseen in our homes (but sucked into our lungs) through our air?
Symptoms associated with short term exposure include excitement, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting followed by drowsiness and coma.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include irritation to nose, mouth and throat, and in severe cases, swelling of the larynx and lungs.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include irritation to eyes, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, increase in heart rate, headaches, confusion and in some cases can result in unconsciousness.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include irritation to mouth and throat, dizziness, headache, confusion, heart problems, liver and kidney damage and coma.

Symptoms associated with short term exposure include eye irritation, coughing, sore throat. UM, no thank you!

(For more information on the study and these infographics go to: https://www.lovethegarden.com/uk-en/article/nasa-guide-air-filtering-houseplants )

Oh my word… does this make you wonder what is lingering in your air? May I suggest something? more plants + more diffusing. YES?

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Or maybe you happen to have some of these air purifying plants on the list? If so, would you mind sharing which ones, and how you keep them healthy?

I have two of them already (just by a fluke). However there is one I spotted on the list that I think needs to be added within the walls of my home. The “Kimberly Queen Fern”. Haha. I may be a bit biased seeing as how my name is Kimberly and my netflix favicon is “The Queen”. But for real, isn’t it charming?

So for those of us new to plants in the home, what are the best methods for keeping them alive? How do we keep them from shriveling up into a slow crispy brown death, Well, we need to begin by reading the instructions for placement, proper potting, and care. We can also give them a lil’ extra plant love. >>———>

Here is a recipe we have for you, MAGIC GROW. A natural plant boosting recipe. Mix the ingredients, spray the soil/roots once a month and voila… healthy growing and protected plants.

And as for the air, and increasing health benefits through the air within your home, we have included a terrific air purifying diffuser blend. It will immediately improve air quality and also deter any little plant dwelling pests.

  • Tea Tree oil is a fantastic insect repellent, it supports a healthy respiratory system, it is an excellent air purifier.

  • Clove oil is a natural bug deterrent, boosts the immune system, supports healthy circulation, and so much more!

  • Lemongrass oil boosts self-esteem, confidence, hope, mental strength, and uplifts spirits. It is also a wonderful deodorant. It is known for its detoxing properties, even when applied on the skin.

For those of you new to the idea of essential oils for natural options, I have put together a little PLANT CARE KIT that includes two ultra fine mist spray bottles and the three essential oils listed above. I will also post an AIR PURIFYING KIT for having what you need to detox the air in your home.

With these kits you will also receive a wholesale membership good for one year with it, saving 25% off anything you choose, at any time. AND best of all, our team is here to walk this oil life with you, and as if we aren’t enough you’ll also get full access to our members only education group, and (wait for it) as an added BONUS you’ll receive a beautiful customized welcome packet from our crew. Guys, you won’t look back, EVER. Go, now, run don’t walk.

Some of you may be wondering why you can’t just head to your nearest discount box store and get the same thing for cheaper. Trust me, you can’t. It’s that simple. I’ve seen it all and heard the feedback. This is one area you want to make sure you are getting what you pay for (and in most cases out there you aren’t…this is PROVEN over and over again!) … you want every little drop to be the most cost EFFECTIVE for you. You want this to actually work.

So here are two kits to choose from: (just click the name and it will link you)

If you are planning on snagging either one of these kits make sure to reach out to us to let us know. We want to tailor your welcome gift to your specific needs.

Can’t wait to share DAY TWO of the 21 day Reduce + Reuse Project with you tomorrow.

Be well,


encouragement, grief + mourning, mind, emotions

A BEAUTIFUL LIFE: even in the midst of a stormy sea.


Well, it's been a bit longer than I expected for this blog post. It's okay though. No worries on how this plays out. Not setting myself up for failure here, this is a free flowing, moving ship that will come in to port to rest when it wants. And then it will venture out on the next journey when it is stocked and ready to go. Who knows what water we will chart, or what the current will be. We can chart it, the current can redirect us and the weather can create a different set of plans all together. That is life in a nutshell. Thankful I know the creator of all these things. The one who holds it all in the palm of his hands and orchestrates it beautifully to work all together for the good.

This whole concept came to me as I was sitting at my friend’s ocean cabin. The weather outside was dark grey, pouring rain, while sharing the very same sky with bright blue, sunny patches paired with the wind a howling, pushing and demanding movement. Apparently they can all share space together and move through, together as planned. I LOVE that.

That witness brings me great comfort actually. I mean, think about it. How often do we set out on our day, week, month, life plan and have a set of ideas of what it will look like, SHOULD look like anyway. And then something different begins to play out, and our original focus get s a bit clouded. We begin to totally lose sight of it and begin reacting to the new things blowing in. When all of a sudden we remember.... wait... I am supposed to be doing this.."Dang it, I messed up and lost time. I can't believe I messed up again.. I am totally off track.” (Said while waving our hand frantically up in the air answering )"Yes, me, me me... right here, total failure!" Oh, the great slump of defeat.

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But friends, look around at the sky. It all exists in the very same air where we take our life giving breath. The very thing that fuels our bodies moves around constantly within all of it. And here is the thing. It still works. It is still a life force. Does that bring anyone else here any comfort?

This is giving me a newfound grace for myself. Yeah... I may move off the path I have set out on but that doesn't take me out of the game... I am still in it and moving forward. I am still creating a journey to be shared, valued, respected and it is POWERFUL + LIFE-GIVING. I am excited to be learning how to navigate better - I think that comes with the balance of: slowing down, inhaling + praying. Yes, I am at the helm... setting the ship to sail in a certain direction. Yes the weather, currents and tides impact and aid or redirect me. But let's keep it real for a minute. God ultimately has the full authority over all: me, my life, my circumstances and whatever else has impact on my plans. And I love that! It brings a newfound freedom and excitement to see what adventures we will be taking together. I can relax a bit in the process of having to get it perfectly planned out and just seek His wisdom as I set out for my dream port.

And here is the thing. When we set out to do something and distraction comes our way. When we respond with a negative, I'm good for nothing mind set, what does it accomplish? Well, we are totally taken out of the game. We become a bi-product to defeat which leaves us incapacitated to move forward like a boat with a broken rudder, we are literally at a stop, stuck +hopeless. Oh please hear me, give yourself a break. Let the rays of grace soak into your skin, let your mind recognize the warmth that very grace has to offer. You my dear, simply cannot control everything, and you weren't ever meant to. God knows exactly how your days will count, and you just have to show up in His ask and say YES.

Set out on the course of your dreams, enjoy the distractions, pray through the challenges, find your strengths in the unforeseen adventures. Let’s begin by eliminating our need to steer + control our own ship while getting the wind knocked out of our sails when God re-routes us.

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He then reached down from heaven, all the way from the sky to the sea. He reached down into my darkness to rescue me! He took me out of my calamity and chaos and drew me to himself, taking me from the depths of my despair! Even though I was helpless in the hands of my hateful, strong enemy, you were good to deliver me. When I was at my weakest, my enemies attacked— but the Lord held on to me. His love broke open the way and he brought me into a beautiful broad place.
He rescued me—because his delight is in me! Psalm 18:16-19

He DELIGHTS in you. He cares about your journey and has incredible plans for you. Let go of the need to control, relax + trust Him. He has incredible things planned for you. BREATHE it all in. It is a BEAUTIFUL thing, a BEAUTIFUL LIFE, even in the midst of a stormy sea.

Be Well,


beauty+skincare, emotions, beauty + skincare, kiddos + parenting, lowtoxliving

Handcrafted Bath Bombs to Clear Your Mind + Relax Your Body

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BEST Bath Bombs EVER

These bath bombs are one of my absolute FAVORITE DIY recipes to make. I love them because they are super simple and extremely effective at RELAXING my brain + body at the end of a stressful day.

And honestly, there is something incredibly relaxing and fulfilling about sitting down to mix these ingredients up in a bowl, deeply inhale the oils while scooping up the mix to form the beautifully imperfectly shaped bombs.

  • 1 cup Baking Soda

  • 1/2 cup Citric Acid

  • 1/4 cup Extra Fine Epsom Salt

  • 1 Tbs. Chia Seed Oil

  • 20 drops Essential Oil

  • dried fruit rind, flower petals, herbs

step ONE: In a large bowl, combine baking soda, citric acid and epsom salt and stir to combine.

step TWO: Using your hands, break up any clumps. If you can’t get them all, you can sift your mixture through a strainer to break them up.

step THREE: Add the chia seed oil and essential oils. Use your hands to combine the liquids with the powders breaking up any large clumps.

step FOUR: Depending on the moisture level of the current mixture, spritz the bath bombs with witch hazel. It usually takes between 5-7 spritzes, and the mixture should be wet enough so when you squeeze the powder in your palm, it will stick together. If you don’t have witch hazel, adding a few extra drops of chia seed oil will also help the powders stick.

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{Note: You want to spray enough so that the powders stick together and isn’t crumbly. Be careful though because spraying too much can cause the mixture to fizz prematurely and ruin your bath bombs!}

step FIVE: Firmly press this mixture between both palms and press firmly and evenly from all sides.

It is just that simple! The beauty about these oils are that many can pass the blood brain barrier, so if you are feeling overwhelmed…. well, fear not. Just making these will help, let alone soaking in them. Talk about a brain detox.

And as for the dry ingredients you will add for color - lavender, rosemary, dried citrus rind all work beautifully. As well as rose petals. We like to add the dry ingredient that coordinates with the oil combo we have chosen in the bombs. In the photo we have chosen a citrus and herb, and lavender and balance. One is extra cleansing and one is superior for relaxation.

Let us know what your favorite combos are and why!

Be well,


kiddos + parenting, emotions, lowtoxliving

Toolkit Options for Teens, Kids + Anxiety


The stress and anxiety kids are suffering with these days feels like an epidemic, doesn’t it? We are seeing it being talked about on just about every platform you can find; Teens and Anxiety - Stressed-out Kids. Here is the deal, I really don’t think this is anything new. If I were to guess, I imagine it has always been lurking around, buried deep in hiding, unable to be freely shared with confidence.

Anxiety is something I have struggled with for decades and for the majority of my life I thought I was alone in it. It just wasn’t something people would easily talk about up until a few years ago. I think there was a fear of being seen as messed up, or broken. I know I was afraid that if I talked about it I would be questioned on a core level. It was scary to think about making myself vulnerable like that.

I have to say I am impressed with the parents teaching their kids it is a-okay to talk about it. I think this is the first key to breaking it down. Just talking about it helps to release some of the pressure and the shame factor that comes with it.

Reminding your kids that a certain level of anxiety is actually normal can feel quite freeing to them. We were created to have a large range of emotions day to day, week to week, month to month. Life is not rosy all of the time, we don’t always get it right, sad things happen, pressure and demands build at times, and YES we experience JOY, PEACE + LAUGHTER in the mix of it as well. We are meant to feel it all, feeling it and recognizing it makes for a really strong, healthy mind.

The problem is when we become what I call BRAIN STUCK. We aren’t able to shift our thoughts out of gear into a better space. At that point we may need a little assistance. The great thing is with a few easy options your kiddos will be able to help themselves relax their minds and take a deep breath. And if they have more than one choice to select from it can increase their chances to overcome it, Choices give them a sense of control, freedom and most importantly HOPE. They identify their struggle, they choose what they think the best option is to work through it. If it doesn’t quite cut it, they pull out another option. BOOM. And the great news is, these options are safe, gentle, and good for their developing bodies.

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So, here are a few natural options for your child to use in their anxiety toolkit:

Tool #1

Breathe. It’s a technique paired with a respiratory blend of essential oils. Um, excuse me…. what?

Yes, trust me, deep breathing is a game changer, especially when you feel a sense of heaviness resting on your chest. Deep breathing can help get your body back to the “rest and digest” state where your breathing is normal, your muscles are relaxed, and your heart rate is normal. Breathe respiratory blend opens up your airways and allows more oxygen into your lungs + blood stream. By simply using a breathing technique and pairing it with essential oils your kids will experience a power-packed cleansing + calming effect. There are several options on how to use this respiratory blend depending upon the child and where they are located when it sets in. If at home you could have a diffuser on hand that fills the room with an ongoing refreshing scent. It will help shift the mood of everyone in the house.

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However, to create a personal travel toolkit I would suggest you start with an inhaler - you can pick them up on Amazon (click here) for around $10 a set, that way you can have a few different inhaler combos in the kit. (Other oils choices would be: Vetiver and Lavender. They are extremely calming oils as well and have a powerful impact on the brain and nervous system.)

These inhalers are easy-peasy, compact and fit in a little bag nicely. Just 3-4 drops of essential oils in some Himalayan Salt, or you can use the little foam insert they come with. Have your kiddo practice taking a nice LONG slow inhale through their nose with the tip of the inhaler (with vent holes) just a small space below and then practice a slow exhale out of their mouth. This is a simple and powerful way to relax the nerves.

The essential oils will not only open the airways, they will also begin to send the brain calming messages prior to even recognizing the scent. It’s a brilliant option. Hold on a sec… I gotta grab my inhaler and get a little energy flowing for what’s next.

Tool #2

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Roller bottles are an incredible little tool to have on hand. They not only make an impact through the scent with the limbic system but they also get to every cell within the body within 20 minutes. And, depending upon the oils you choose, they can help relieve tension in areas where you store stress.

Personally I use this technique all the time. It is probably my number one go to. I roll the bottle on the back of my neck, near where the spinal cord and brain stem are. Many oils are known to pass through the blood brain barrier, so you can imagine the possibilities here. After I swipe it 2-3 times on the back of my neck I rub it in with my hand, and then proceed to cup my hand over my nose and take in a BIG, slow breath. If I am holding tension in my upper shoulders and neck area I will roll on a little oil there too and gently massage it in.

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For the rollers I would have a couple combos on hand.

  • 5 drops serenity

  • 5 drops balance

  • 5 drops vetiver

  • top off roller bottle with fco

    (that stands for fractionated coconut oil)

Together those create a powerhouse blend that will support your mood balancers nicely.

The second roller bottle would be an uplifting mint + citrus blend. There are tons of options but my favorite combination would be:

  • 5 drops spearmint

  • 5 drops citrus bliss

  • 5 drops lime

  • top off roller bottle with fco

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Would be a mini dropper bottle filled with equal parts copaiba essential oil and fco.

Here is a little history: over the decades Copaiba has been used to promote the health of cardiovascular, immune, digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems. It is especially known for the calming, soothing, and supportive benefits it brings to the nervous system. A drop or two under the tongue and you have some terrific support for soothing anxious feelings. AND an added benefit is the calming effect it has on the tummy. As you know, anxious feeling often come with a stomach ache, this will help to settle those tummy troubles. Please remember that not every essential oil is equal. In fact, there are VERY few on the market that are proven to be 100% unadulterated and pure. It matters anytime you are using essential oils AND especially when you are taking them internally. Don’t skimp on your health, it isn’t worth the long term cost.


So hey - what do you think about this? Isn’t it great? I love that you can take a few gifts from nature, with a few simple learned techniques and find a little peace in the midst of the storm. And hear me out, I am not saying there isn’t a time to seek medical attention - but there might be a chance you can avoid it by learning some new coping skills before they snowball into something bigger. Parents, you got this.

And while we are at it, why not make it extra fun for your children. I suggest creating or purchasing cute containers and putting them into a handy little bag of your child’s choice. Something that makes them happy, or laugh, when they see it. That way you know they will be excited to pull it out and use it whenever they have the opportunity.

Guys, there is SO much more I want to say about this.. like beyond this health kit. The importance of sleep, and gut health… but I’ll save that for my next post on parenting.

If you have any questions, or need help selecting the best oils for your child’s needs, just give me a holler in the comment section, or shoot me an email at: Kimberly@essentiallyloved.com

We have a TON of tips and tricks up our sleeves, we can help you find solutions.

Be Well-


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