essential oils

grief, grief + mourning, mind, emotions

Recognizing Trauma Through Mind Scribble | Free Worksheet

Trauma, it isn’t what happened, it is what happens within us as a result of harsh life events that impacted us. When we can’t process properly in the moment of the event it stores itself up in our mind and bodies. And it wreaks havoc just sitting there. Ignoring it just isn’t good enough, it’s eating at us, whether we can identify the damage or not. So, what do we do? We begin with recognition. We start by not being afraid to tap into what hasn’t been dealt with yet. I’ve created (what I think) is a fun process to loosen up and let go a little.

It all started today when I was watching a REALLY good sermon on Trauma. You heard me right, a sermon on Trauma. Craig Groeschel at Life Church did an excellent job of unpacking what trauma is, how important it is for the healing process to recognize it, and how this leads to a place where you can eventually use your pain for a purpose by helping others. This info wasn’t new to me but an idea in response to it was.

As I was listening to the end of the sermon an image of a worksheet popped into my head. I quickly created this worksheet and decided to give it a try. I have to say, I loved the process of it. I snuggled up on my cozy couch, with a cozy blanket, rolled some breathe on my chest to open my airways and mind, got my pens ready, and relaxed my way into the process.

As I was began I went in with a black pen to write down past events that popped into my head. I didn’t allow myself time to sit and process each event, I just remembered, jotted it down, and moved on to the next one. Then I decided to go back and create a more artistic expression with it. I grabbed colored pens and quickly scanned my life once again (starting a little younger), writing down what came to mind in a few words. For some of my entries I used letters, initials, or code words.

Feel free to save and print out the image on the left to complete your own. It’s free. I am SO for you finding freedom from the bound pain. I’m over here right now praying for you and your process. I know God cares so deeply about all you have been through. and he wants to help you heal. He really does.

Once you have worked through this and sat with it a little make sure and check back here. I’ll be sharing new posts to help with some next steps once you get this completed.

BIG SIGH, say a prayer asking God to hold you tight through the process, and let’s get to work.

You got this!


grief, grief + mourning, mind, encouragement

Do you trust me? The repeated question that changed my grief journey.

The other day I was sitting rather mindlessly allowing my thoughts to move with ease bouncing back and forth through memories and my current day situation. This relaxed state of mind practice seems quite natural to most but non-existent to many who are grieving. To allow the grieving mind to drift is to consider the thought of physically jumping into a boxing ring. You don’t know what thought will take that swing that leads to a knockout. The fact I was free to relax my thinking and coast back to review the lived-out chapters showed I was making progress.

As I sat there seeing the chapters of life without Dave flipping before me God revealed a piece of His beautiful offering that had helped provide me with shelter in the midst of the pelting grief storm. It was a question that was posed to me over, and over, and over, and over, and over, again and again. A question of weighted words that wouldn’t make space for a flippant answer. It was a question pointed like a magnifying scope looking straight to the core of my entire being.

“Do you trust me?” -Jesus

You see, my body and mind took many different forms in my grief: from laid out flat sleeping to a curled-up sobbing fetal position. From arms waving in the air praising, to my head resting on my Bible soaking. From scuffing my feet through the red soil of Africa serving, to lounging at my friend’s cabin receiving. From voraciously studying and creating in order to provide my way, to trying to relax just enough to find calm in my racing heart with solitude and rest.

I was scared in the face of the unknown and I was doing everything I knew I should to find my way and make my path straight. Until I couldn’t, and then I would run like crazy and try to escape the pain. Until I realized the pain follows you because it is part of you, it dwells within. There is no escaping it. So, back to creating. Back to learning. Back to doing. Back to… you name it.


This is the part that matters most. This is the plumbline of truth that keeps our foundation level when we build upon it. That repeated question asked throughout the mayhem of my stability-building attempts: “Do YOU trust ME?” -Jesus?

The question would often catch me off-guard, stop me in my tracks, and take my heaving breath away from me. My vision would narrow in on Him, eyes locking, nerves settling, worries decreasing, fear subsiding, grounding found. “YES.” “I trust YOU, Jesus.”

“I question this world and the people in it, myself included. But I trust you yesterday, today, and forever.” Honestly. In the wake of the storms, my answer is still YES. More now than ever. and with that trust, the next step comes a little easier. Jesus is indeed trustworthy even in the unknown and in the broken.

I could write five chapters on this but for now, I want to keep it to this next point: When the unknown of your future gets loud or feels shakey, there is a way through it. This pattern of a repeated trust statement changes things. The key is that you have to believe it. You have to envision a very real Jesus holding your hand, scooping you up, leading the way, walking alongside, gazing into your eyes, and seeing the very core of your being. He knows you, He loves you, and every single thing about you matters to Him. He has a plan for you and it is a really good one.

Not despite the broken but because of it.

Do you trust Him?

kimber ryan essential oils essentially loved grief coach christian

grief + mourning

The impact of grief on the Nervous System + how to heal it.


Grief can take a real toll on your mind, brain and body. It rolls in with all of it’s heaviness and the questioning sets in with it.

Will I be able to handle this? It feels like too much. How long will this last? Am I going to make it? I still feel broken.

And we get questions from people, we feel the opinions of others (whether they be real or not), we listen to the experts, and we compare.

The more restless we get, the more inferior we feel in our grief, the more our mind sees and experiences a psychological threat. And next thing we know our focus narrows, our brain spins, our body responds with all of stress alarms and signals. We become even more tired.

The great news is that we can interrupt this tiresome toxic pattern by following the following steps:

As we recognize our patterns and establish new ways to rewire them we begin to heal. The first step starts with our thoughts, our beliefs about ourselves.

We have to hijack the cycle by inserting new, positive, thoughts that speak the truth about who God created us to be and who He says He is for us. We may be running a bit short on strength but the One will always be more than enough.

  1. Identify the root of the negative thought

  2. Develop a statement of truth that offsets that thought. Know it well.

  3. Whenever your pattern presents itself spout out that statement and break the pattern. And praise God for helping you to recognize it and do something about it.

The truth is that God has designed you beautifully. He has created you for a purpose knowing full well every single chapter of your story and how they would equip you for the next. He understands the weariness of it all and He is right there with you in the thick of it.

Trust me, I know this is not an easy journey. But it is worth doing well, you are worth the investment of proper grief healing. This is just the beginning but it is a good one…


beauty + skincare, lowtoxliving, beauty+skincare, clean-living, grief + mourning

Strong follicle scalp serum : hair loss + thinning

Essential oil scalp serum recipe hair loss thinning essentially loved

Hair loss often occurs as a result of stress in the mind or body and sometimes all it needs is a little boost of love and nourishment with essential oils to boost those hair follicles back into high gear.

Natural ingredients are important, you certainly don’t want to stick toxic chemicals near your brain. However, it also matters which natural products you choose in order to receive maximum benefits.

essential oils are a no brained, by now we are pretty certain you know the difference between real, pure and potent essential oils and the brands off the grocery store shelves. If not, check out our page on the essentials.

but the carrier oils you use have different qualities as well. Like the comedogenic rating of each oil which tells you it’s absorption rate, basically. We have chosen some of our favorite noncomedogenic oils to use in this serum paired with really potent essential oils that each have specific reasons for being included in this serum.

The image in the photo above shows the real results of our friend who used the serum over a period of 2+ weeks and washed her hair every five days. Every scalp is different, there are a ton of factors that play into reasons behind hair loss. No matter what, this will help boost your hair follicles back toward better health. You will also receive a ton of other health benefits.

This serum is going to do wonders. Even if you don’t struggle with hair thinning or loss, this will boost the health and growth of your hair. We suggest using this once a week on a regular basis.

Hair serum natural recipe essentially loved essential oils thinning hair loss
Scalp serum hair loss thinning essential oils essentially loved

grief, grief + mourning, lowtoxliving, mind, emotions

Grief Serum Recipe: a simple + kind nightly routine towards healing.

Grief is sneaky.

Grief is heavy.

Grief is exhausting.

Grief can deplete us to a place where we barely recognize ourselves.

And here is the thing…

Sometimes it wears us down to a level that not only impacts our state of mind but our bodies and potentially our belief systems as well. We may end up believing we don’t have anything in us to pull out of the pit we are currently in. That is a flat-out LIE though… even in the depths of grief, we can still continue to take steps towards healing.

That is what this post is all about. Having a super simple tool on hand that feels darn good, is relaxing, and helps you take steps towards healing.

I have found at the end of the day, during the time that pillow talk would typically happen, I needed a way to care for myself and remind myself I was going to be okay. Somehow, my evening process with this simple technique was not only caring for me but it also helped me to remember I was wanting to show up better and stronger for my future.

Note: You aren’t limited to using it at night, these tools and techniques can be used any time of day, whenever grief overwhelm strikes. Many of the oils do assist

Let me tell you a little bit about why I chose these specific essential oils included in my Grief Serum Recipe. Each one provides essential oils that help provide emotional stability, promote movement throughout the mind + body, and are especially good for the skin. I am telling you these are grief-busting oils. They target the areas that grief has tried to make me out, and I am guessing you as well.

Look, I am not saying this is a “do this and BAM, IT’S INSTANTLY BETTER.” But what I am saying is it truly is a soothing technique that does a lot more than just feel good. Whether you feel them or not your body and mind are responding, and with consistent use there will be substantial change. And yes, how it does work for me instantly is in the reminder that I care about myself, I care about my future, I care about how I process my grief and move forward.

I have a graphic posted with the recipe, the number on each essential oil bottle is how many drops to put in the 10ml roller bottle, and then top with baobab oil. You can use another low-comedogenic oil but this one is an absolute favorite of mine.

Make sure you check out the graphics I have posted here to see more on the oil-specific benefits. And feel free to do your own check on each one, you will be BLOWN AWAY. So good!

If you don’t have these specific oils I have a link to grab them here: GRIEF SKINCARE OILS

This investment towards natural health is completely worth it and trust me, there are SO many additional uses for these beauties. (If you decide to grab these make sure and send me a note so I can get you my additional uses booklet.)

Items you will need:

Frankincense, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy + Roman Chamomile

Baobab Oil Carrier Oil

10ml White / Gold Rollerbottles

Beginner’s Face Massage Book

There are a whole host of resources you can use to learn new techniques for self-administered face, foot, and body massage. The book I have listed above is really simple to follow along with and in the thick of heavy grief simple matters. I also have a lymphatic book that is spectacular: The Book of Lymph , if you want to get a little more specific in areas you are addressing. I use it for my sinus congestion. One more item I find really helpful is my Gua Sha stone, it is cool + smooth, I love the way it glides across my skin with the grief serum. These aren’t necessary, just for those who like to dive deep quickly. The essential oils + the baobab oil in a roller bottle, and your hands, are all you need to do the basic techniques in the beginner’s book.

I’d love to hear your feedback after trying this nightly for a few weeks. Let me know if you experience slightly deeper sleep, calmer nerves, or maybe a spark of nurture has lit for your weary soul.

Grief is hard work but it is SO worth it! I am praying this technique becomes a simple and effective tool for you to have in your grief toolbox.


clean-living, beauty + skincare, emotions, lowtoxliving, mind

4 Ideas for Lymphatic Cleansing

The lymphatic system is like your body’s second circulatory system. It is responsible for the following:

  • Detoxification of waste products from the body

  • Immunity boosts to keep the body healthy

  • Transportation of nutrients throughout the body

It might help if you think of the lymphatic system as your body’s trash collector and disposal system. It pumps lymphatic fluids throughout the body in order to absorb toxins + waste so that it can eliminate them from the body. If your lymphatic system slows down it can quickly clog and cause major problems with major organs and systems within the body.

The lymphatic system plays another very important role by absorbing the fats + vitamins you take in and delivering them where they need to go. When we take all of that into consideration, and we recognize how our physical bodies impact the brain, mind + emotions… Well, you can see why it is vital to do your best to keep it working smoothly.

So, I put together four VERY simple and easy techniques that are gentle + kind to your system. For those of you in the thick of grief I know it is easy to get overstimulated and overwhelmed, so I wanted to keep it super simple.

These are all things I have been using over the last few years, I actually began them prior to Dave’s passing, during his illness. I am here to tell you, no matter what shape you are in, you will feel SO MUCH better implementing these.

Just pick one, after a few days try adding another if you feel up to it.

GUA SHA is a simple technique that you can easily do yourself. There are several youtube tutorials to follow. You will need the following items:

  • a GUA SHA stone

  • Essential Oil Face Serum w/ Frankincense, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum, Hawaiian Sandalwood, and Rose. (PLEASE, only use certified + pure, 3rd party tested eos, many are adulterated + filled with toxins in the name of “fragrance”)

Here is a Gua Sha Beginners video (click here)

HYDRATE more water, more water, more water. Increase your water to 50% of your weight. HNow does that work - claculate by taking your weight in pounds + drink half of that in ounces of water. Make SURE it is filtered. No plastic bottles. No carbonation. No juice. Just water counts for this one. You can have other drinks but they don’t contribute to your count. And caffeine can actually take away from it.

Drinking water with 1-2 drops of lemon or grapefruit essential oil in it is excellent for detox + your body while at the same time it will really uplift your mood.

  • Berkey Water Filters are some of the best around for removing bacteria, pesticides, minerals and metals .

  • Lemon essential oil, or grapefruit, are essential to add to your water for a gentle detox.

  • Hydro Flask makes my FAVORITE water bottle to use with essential oils. Using a water bottle helps keep the tracking easy. (You want to use metal or glass when using eos.)

DETOX BATH SOAK is oh-so relaxing + calming to the mind it is also an AMAZING way to pump up that lymphatic system.

Hot water will dilate blood vessels, the epsom salt and baking soda draw out the impurities. Essential oils boost your body’s natural ability to purge what it needs to + support your lymphatic system.

  • 2 cups Epsom Salt

  • 1 cup Baking Soda

  • Essential Oil Blend specifically designed to help boost your body’s detox system with Tangerine Peel, Rosemary Leaf, Geranium Flower/Leaf, Juniper Berry, Cilantro Herb essential oils.

    Directions: Fill the tub with hot water. Mix the salt, soda + 6 drops of the essential oil. Blend well. Add to bathwater just before soaking and stir in well. Soak for 30-45 minutes.

    Repeat weekly. Make sure and hydrate extra well after your soak, and the following day.

Now, let’s talk REBOUNDING.

This is SO incredibly good for all the cells in your body. It is gentle on the joints. It totally helps with mood, especially when you pump up some. music.

It stimulates the lymphatic system and moves those nasty toxins right out of your body. This is one of the fastest ways to jiggle + shake ALL those lymph nodes in your body at one time.

I have a jamming playlist I play on my earbuds as I get in the zone. I also pop a couple of peppermint beadlets in advance because there are studies done on the effects of this essential oil and increasde physical performance. PLUS it opens the airways and completely lifts my mood.

You don’t have to jump intensely, just hop on a bounce gently, pick it up a little and then back to gentle. Have fun with it.

I like the ones with handles, and some are foldable for easier storage, like this one that’s available on Amazon: Rebounder

Check out this diagram with all the lymph nodes in the body. Crazy right? I figured seeing them may help you want to do something to help them be tip-top.

Now, go jiggle + jump, hydrate + flush, soak + release, and massage those babies.

Make sure and let me know what you try and how it works. Let me know if you have any questions.

If you are really spurred on to do all you can and you really want to dive in, you can always go for a full-on detox kit. We have a great natural option that steps through the elimination pathways in the proper order so that you get maximum detox results without side effects. When you purchase the kit you will also receive an ebook + gift box from us. You have us to help walk you through it as well. This is something we highly suggest doing two times a year. You’ll be amazed at how clear your skin is, how your energy increases, and mental clarity. BOOM!

You can purchase your all-natural detox solution here: Detox Kit

clean-living, emotions, lowtoxliving, mind

Great deal on Anxi-munity Bundle.


If you struggle with feelings of anxiousness or are looking for ways to strengthen your body, this set is FOR YOU! We have an INCREDIBLE limited time offer and the hours are counting down. Check it out below. Hurry while supplies last, this will sell out quickly.

Check out the amazing benefits of these oils. There will be even more with the mystery oils still being revealed. SIX!


beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, clean-living, grief + mourning, lowtoxliving

Balm of Gilead recipe: soothe your skin

Essentially Loved Balm of Gilead africa.png

This balm is absolutely amazing. I was on a pursuit to find an all-around balm recipe that would support the body in its natural response to head tension, skin irritations, dry skin, and more. I was really intrigued by the Balm of Gilead spoken of in the Bible. As I looked into it a little more it seemed the absolute perfect fit for creating a one-for-all balm.

So, when Maddy and I went to whip a batch up we added some other nutrient rich oils that sink deep into the skin quickly.

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Just a few of the health benefits are listed in the above graphic. Each one of these oils could stand alone with the many benefits they provide, together this balm is dense with some skin-loving support. Ten years ago I would have never guessed a balm applied to the skin could soak in to fuel your body with the added love it needed for a mood shift or a tummy ache?

Toss the following into a double boiler to melt:

once melted remove from heat and add:

mix thoroughly + pour into a 4 oz. jar.

and voila! You have one incredible balm that could be used for so very many things.



beauty + skincare, clean-living, emotions, encouragement, grief + mourning, in the kitchen, lowtoxliving

Great Deals on Essential Oils


Have you been waiting to invest? Today is YOUR DAY!



The BOGO Box is back!

Available TODAY only- March 22nd, receive all 12 BOGO products, plus Rosemary essential oil as a gift with your purchase.

*Available while supplies last. Limit of five per account

You do NOT want to miss this. Each bottle works out to be just $14.58 a piece. What??? Most bottles have 250 drops in them, the more exotic oils have 80. Each time you use them it is literally cents per use.


if you want, you can also include a FREE wholesale users account. That means 1 year of absolutely anything at any time for 25% off. Yep, for absolutely free. PLUS when you buy the whole set they throw in a free Rosemary as well. Yes, it just keeps getting better and better.

I’ll have all kinds of info going up on here to help you put these beauties to work for you. in areas like





  • KETO


  • + MORE

Purchase BOGO Oil Kit here

Purchase BOGO + Free wholesale account here

Let me know if you have any questions or need help. I am SO HAPPY to be able to offer these to you!


beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, lowtoxliving, clean-living

Emollient Rich Cuticle Recipe for dry, cracked + brittle nails.


Easy, peasy all natural cuticle cream recipe. PERFECT for gift-giving. This nail salve is so emollient dense your nails will be back to strong and healthy in no time.

Be Well,


and if that little fire video for the cuticle cream recipe is flashing too quickly before your eyes don’t fret… I am posting images below that you can revisit, or pin to pinterest for easy reference later.

Essentially Loved Emollient Rich Cuticle Cream Salve for cracking nails
essentially loved DIY cuticle cream recipe instructions for cracked nails

beauty + skincare, beauty+skincare, lowtoxliving, emotions, grief + mourning

In the Name of Fragrance... STOP! Natural Perfume Recipes That Won't Kill You

Lovely perfume essentially loved.png

Okay, that title may be a little dramatic… but what if it’s not? I mean, have you checked out what your FRAGRANCES are filled with? Take a look. Now investigate what those redjsk;fwemlfadsjfk;dagna unpronounceable words are, what they were possibly created for in the first place, and IF you are BRAVE ENOUGH… see how they could potentially harm your health. (Check out ratings on EWG - environment working group) It’s crazy, and it should be illegal. But in the name of fragrance let’s stop once and for all. These chemicals are literally damaging our systems. Our chimneys (filters) are getting clogged and our cells are getting damaged. Enough is enough.

“But, it’s only a scent. It’s not like I am ingesting it.” Well, actually… breathing in toxic chemicals is very damaging and it does end up in your bloodstream. On top of that, you are applying it to your skin which also absorbs it into your bloodstream.

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Now consider the other places that you have hidden “fragrances”: candles, sprays, plug-ins, cleaners, lotions, makeup, shampoo, and more. I wonder if you made an inventory list how long it would be? I know a few years ago my list would have been L-O-N-G. I still have a few but nothing like I used to. And absolutely no perfume whatsoever, outside of my yummy homemade, all-natural, DIY perfume made with fresh-smelling essential oils.

I know our team LOVES the benefits of these naturally delicious perfumes. They are so inexpensive to make and they help relieve feelings of tension, anxiousness + intensity. They start by encouraging BIG DEEP BREATHS. Next thing you know you feel more grounded and are thinking a bit more level-headed. Sometimes we just need to buy ourselves a little more time to reframe our thoughts.

Sweet + Fresh all natural Perfume recipe essentially loved.png

I have been using Mel Robbins 5 second rule along with my little mini bottle of natural perfume I have stashed in my purse. So easy to grab it, breathe in, count backwards “5-4-3-2-1” and ask God to show me His truth over the matter at hand. This process is a thing of beauty and has TOTALLY tipped the cap off to release the pressure in the heat of the moment. Ahhhh.

Try it! Let me know how it works for you.

BTW: I highly recommend you check out Mel Robbins tips. She is a no-nonsense, straight shooter. She cuts right to it and gives really valuable resources for FREE! I have loved learning from her and applying it with the knowledge I have about detoxing other heavily loaded areas of my life. I have found she helps deal with a lot of core issues that contribute to the larger problem. So GOOD!

Be Well,


Cleaning, kiddos + parenting, beauty + skincare, clean-living, lowtoxliving

All Natural DIY Hand Sanitizing Spray Recipe


Uh-oh. Don’t worry, we have a recipe that will hold you over until the BEST of the BEST is re-stocked. And honestly, you may like making your own so much that you’ll just stick with it.

essentially loved DIY  hand sanitizing spray recipe.PNG

If you haven’t heard of this amazing germ-busting spray then we will tell you a little about why you need this. So… in our all natural community we have a FAVE product that we ALWAYS have on hand. doTERRA’s sanitizing hand spray. It is a BEAST when it comes to killing germs - and here’s why:

“doTERRA On Guard Sanitizing Mist purifies hands by eliminating bacteria and other germs on the skin. The moisturizing formula effectively cleanses hands without drying the skin, while the doTERRA On Guard blend of CPTG® of essential oils provides an uplifting citrus spice aroma.”

This product has served our families SO WELL over the years helping us from avoiding many of those little extras that try to stick to our hands and impact our bodies. However, as some of you may know this product has flown off the shelves just like toilet paper has. So, what’s a girl to do but recreate the recipe best she can.

I don’t claim to have their exact formulation down but the ingredients are the same that are listed on their label. You may want to play with the ratios a bit to find your perfect hand sanitizing spray solution.

essentially loved sanitizing hand mist


I have gone ahead and linked the ingredients below for you for ease of purchase.

(this post contains affiliate links )

You can easily multiply this recipes and put it Into a larger misting bottle to use on larger surfaces as well. I am thinking tables, handles, highchair trays, strollers, shopping cart handles. Oh, it’s really endless, isn’t it?

We hope you LOVE this handy recipe as much as we do. Let us know when you have tried it!

Be Well,


kiddos + parenting, emotions, lowtoxliving

Toolkit Options for Teens, Kids + Anxiety


The stress and anxiety kids are suffering with these days feels like an epidemic, doesn’t it? We are seeing it being talked about on just about every platform you can find; Teens and Anxiety - Stressed-out Kids. Here is the deal, I really don’t think this is anything new. If I were to guess, I imagine it has always been lurking around, buried deep in hiding, unable to be freely shared with confidence.

Anxiety is something I have struggled with for decades and for the majority of my life I thought I was alone in it. It just wasn’t something people would easily talk about up until a few years ago. I think there was a fear of being seen as messed up, or broken. I know I was afraid that if I talked about it I would be questioned on a core level. It was scary to think about making myself vulnerable like that.

I have to say I am impressed with the parents teaching their kids it is a-okay to talk about it. I think this is the first key to breaking it down. Just talking about it helps to release some of the pressure and the shame factor that comes with it.

Reminding your kids that a certain level of anxiety is actually normal can feel quite freeing to them. We were created to have a large range of emotions day to day, week to week, month to month. Life is not rosy all of the time, we don’t always get it right, sad things happen, pressure and demands build at times, and YES we experience JOY, PEACE + LAUGHTER in the mix of it as well. We are meant to feel it all, feeling it and recognizing it makes for a really strong, healthy mind.

The problem is when we become what I call BRAIN STUCK. We aren’t able to shift our thoughts out of gear into a better space. At that point we may need a little assistance. The great thing is with a few easy options your kiddos will be able to help themselves relax their minds and take a deep breath. And if they have more than one choice to select from it can increase their chances to overcome it, Choices give them a sense of control, freedom and most importantly HOPE. They identify their struggle, they choose what they think the best option is to work through it. If it doesn’t quite cut it, they pull out another option. BOOM. And the great news is, these options are safe, gentle, and good for their developing bodies.

anxiety calm oils breathe vetiver lavender.jpg

So, here are a few natural options for your child to use in their anxiety toolkit:

Tool #1

Breathe. It’s a technique paired with a respiratory blend of essential oils. Um, excuse me…. what?

Yes, trust me, deep breathing is a game changer, especially when you feel a sense of heaviness resting on your chest. Deep breathing can help get your body back to the “rest and digest” state where your breathing is normal, your muscles are relaxed, and your heart rate is normal. Breathe respiratory blend opens up your airways and allows more oxygen into your lungs + blood stream. By simply using a breathing technique and pairing it with essential oils your kids will experience a power-packed cleansing + calming effect. There are several options on how to use this respiratory blend depending upon the child and where they are located when it sets in. If at home you could have a diffuser on hand that fills the room with an ongoing refreshing scent. It will help shift the mood of everyone in the house.

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However, to create a personal travel toolkit I would suggest you start with an inhaler - you can pick them up on Amazon (click here) for around $10 a set, that way you can have a few different inhaler combos in the kit. (Other oils choices would be: Vetiver and Lavender. They are extremely calming oils as well and have a powerful impact on the brain and nervous system.)

These inhalers are easy-peasy, compact and fit in a little bag nicely. Just 3-4 drops of essential oils in some Himalayan Salt, or you can use the little foam insert they come with. Have your kiddo practice taking a nice LONG slow inhale through their nose with the tip of the inhaler (with vent holes) just a small space below and then practice a slow exhale out of their mouth. This is a simple and powerful way to relax the nerves.

The essential oils will not only open the airways, they will also begin to send the brain calming messages prior to even recognizing the scent. It’s a brilliant option. Hold on a sec… I gotta grab my inhaler and get a little energy flowing for what’s next.

Tool #2

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Roller bottles are an incredible little tool to have on hand. They not only make an impact through the scent with the limbic system but they also get to every cell within the body within 20 minutes. And, depending upon the oils you choose, they can help relieve tension in areas where you store stress.

Personally I use this technique all the time. It is probably my number one go to. I roll the bottle on the back of my neck, near where the spinal cord and brain stem are. Many oils are known to pass through the blood brain barrier, so you can imagine the possibilities here. After I swipe it 2-3 times on the back of my neck I rub it in with my hand, and then proceed to cup my hand over my nose and take in a BIG, slow breath. If I am holding tension in my upper shoulders and neck area I will roll on a little oil there too and gently massage it in.

serenity kids.png

For the rollers I would have a couple combos on hand.

  • 5 drops serenity

  • 5 drops balance

  • 5 drops vetiver

  • top off roller bottle with fco

    (that stands for fractionated coconut oil)

Together those create a powerhouse blend that will support your mood balancers nicely.

The second roller bottle would be an uplifting mint + citrus blend. There are tons of options but my favorite combination would be:

  • 5 drops spearmint

  • 5 drops citrus bliss

  • 5 drops lime

  • top off roller bottle with fco

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Would be a mini dropper bottle filled with equal parts copaiba essential oil and fco.

Here is a little history: over the decades Copaiba has been used to promote the health of cardiovascular, immune, digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems. It is especially known for the calming, soothing, and supportive benefits it brings to the nervous system. A drop or two under the tongue and you have some terrific support for soothing anxious feelings. AND an added benefit is the calming effect it has on the tummy. As you know, anxious feeling often come with a stomach ache, this will help to settle those tummy troubles. Please remember that not every essential oil is equal. In fact, there are VERY few on the market that are proven to be 100% unadulterated and pure. It matters anytime you are using essential oils AND especially when you are taking them internally. Don’t skimp on your health, it isn’t worth the long term cost.


So hey - what do you think about this? Isn’t it great? I love that you can take a few gifts from nature, with a few simple learned techniques and find a little peace in the midst of the storm. And hear me out, I am not saying there isn’t a time to seek medical attention - but there might be a chance you can avoid it by learning some new coping skills before they snowball into something bigger. Parents, you got this.

And while we are at it, why not make it extra fun for your children. I suggest creating or purchasing cute containers and putting them into a handy little bag of your child’s choice. Something that makes them happy, or laugh, when they see it. That way you know they will be excited to pull it out and use it whenever they have the opportunity.

Guys, there is SO much more I want to say about this.. like beyond this health kit. The importance of sleep, and gut health… but I’ll save that for my next post on parenting.

If you have any questions, or need help selecting the best oils for your child’s needs, just give me a holler in the comment section, or shoot me an email at:

We have a TON of tips and tricks up our sleeves, we can help you find solutions.

Be Well-


Toolkit for Teens, Kids + Anxiety - essentiallyloved.png

kiddos + parenting, lowtoxliving

Teething, now what? easy natural recipe for relief.


Every mother's worst nightmare. Okay, that might be a little dramatic but teething is terrible. The drool, red cheeks and pain that causes a super grumpy babe… which then leads to a super grumpy mama. 

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Elliot is almost a year and a half and he has at least four molars coming in at once right now, so I figured it’s time to share my secret for all of you who might have a baby in your life or know someone who does. This protocol is what I used on Elliot from day one of teething, because it’s soothing and calming it has been a game changer! 

I apply this blend on his jaw line every three hours during the day and before bed. This also works great on babies but for 12 months and under you will want to use this recipe which is even more diluted for that sensitive baby skin. 


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0-12 months teething blend

  • 10 ml roller bottle 

  • 2 drops Roman Chamomile EO

  • 2 drops Lavender EO

  • 2 drops Frankincense EO

  • Fill the rest of the bottle with fractionated coconut oil 

12+ months teething blend

  • 10ml roller bottle 

  • 5 drops Roman Chamomile EO 

  • 5 drops Lavender EO

  • 5 drops Frankincense EO

  • Fill the rest of the bottle with fractionated coconut oil 

In addition to these oils I also had little frozen teethers, frozen berries and even just a frozen washcloth for him to chew on to ease the pain. 

I am pretty sure this isn’t our last round in the teething circuit, so if you have other tips or tricks I would love to hear them! Comment below.


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Reminder: Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CTPG) oils on your babies. Other essential oils could have harsh chemicals or fillers that are harmful to their sensitive skin. 

Cleaning, clean-living

Everything + The Kitchen Sink Scrub Recipe

Pinky promise - this is the WORLD’S BEST all natural kitchen + bathroom + laundry room + stainless steel + pots n’ pans + anything and everywhere else scrub. This will replace those chemical laden soft scrubs you purchase and the dry powdery shaker cans that leave you inhaling the swirling toxic air dust.

It will get rid of tough rust stains and is gentle enough to scrub your pots and pans with. It is EXCELLENT and let me just tell ya the essential oils in this make it a POWERHOUSE cleaner to knock that grime, slime and germs right down the drain.

Essentially Loved DIY Everything + the Kitchen Sink Scrub Recipe

DIY Recipe for the BEST all natural EVERYTHING + the Kitchen Sink All Purpose Cleaner

1.5 C. Baking Soda

4 T. Borax

1T. Rosemary

1T. Thyme

blend in blender then add:

5 drops Thyme eo

2 drops Oregano eo

4 drops Rosemary eo

blend again and put into container

Directions for use: sprinkle on surface, scrub with damp cloth and rinse.

To watch the our DIY youtube video click here